Shirts and Skins ft. IWATOBI SWIM CLUB

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A/N: Author chan is back, and yes, I'm current;y suffering from sugar high today -_- this story just emerged due to my glucose induced system so please, sorry for the weirdness, anyway, I'll put a disclaimer hahaha

DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything, just this piece of work :) If I do own FREE and KNB, I'll be married to Aomine xD

I apologize for some characted OOC-ness ;) this is an unedited ver. as always, so enjoy ;)

without further ado, here comes (drum beat) SHIRTS AND SKINS


oh, another thing, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEPPEI! :)


Shirts and Skins

His heart is pounding so as his whole body, a vein popped at the side of his temples seeing the score of the other two teams.

As if he had a choice, well, if THEY have a choice, THEY wouldn't be playing soccer for the past twenty minutes. The fact that all of them felt helpless and hopeless all at once is making him sick.

Never in his life did Midorima felt so unlucky and FRAMED. For crying out loud, all of them are victims here, it's like the three demons who happens to be: Momoi Satsuki (they labeled her as the pinku oni) Rico Aida (cross dressing oni) and last but not the list… Gou/Kou Matsuoka (the Japanese Warlord) If looks can be deceiving, then… Gou has the rightful place to win the crown.

"Baka oni, tse" Aomine spatted fron behind Midorima, "Ne, aren't we going to eat yet?" out of nowhere, the purple haired beast, spoke lazily as he stares at the empty box of strawberry pocky he's currently holding.

Midorima was about to reply when Momoi and Rico's voice came piercing through their eardrums. "OI YARO! YOU STILL HAVE TEN MINUTES LEFT FOR YOU TRAINING"

"What training? You're been toying us for the past ten minutes! I FEEL VIOLATED!" Kagami blurted out. As a result, Rico sent him one of her ONI STARES, a stare that she developed earlier while watching her team play.

She was disrupted when Kuroko raised his hand. "Why are we playing soccer? We're basketball players…"

"And swimmers!" Nagisa cut of and the rest of the guys gave him a thumb's up.

A sweat dropped into the temples of the three abusive females, who happen to be feasting at the MALE MUSCULAR SYSTEM, courtesy of the boys.

"Uhm, a-anou-" Gou blushed a thousand shades of red as she tries her best to bluff the whole fiasco.

Hyuga eyed Rico, he's been silent and submissive and of course, he's been very submissive to everything the THREE ONI'S has to say, but now… it's time to break the silence.

"Ne Rico, don't tell me you girls only did this for FUN?"

"Busted," Rin, Kise,Haruka and Kagami stated as the three girls gave them their best sheepish smile.


It all started one night, when the oh so lovely coach of "Iwatobi Swim Club" went to Tokyo to visit her co-fangirl friends.

FLASH BACK-XxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXxxxx

She was nothing but ecstatic, as she rode the bus to Tokyo. It was not her first time going there, but it sure is different because she's going to meet her co-fangirls.

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