Midorima's secret (MidorimaXOC)

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As requested by my friend : JanErickaSales :) Enjoy!






"Nani? Shin0chan has a secret?"  Takao Kazunari's voice echoed inside the changing room, located at the basketball gym.  

"Baka! you're too loud! he might hear us!" Taisuke, who happenes to be the current captain of Shutoku, gave Takao a megadeath glare.  "Why didn't he tell me!" Takao, who seems to be very upset about the whole "Shin chan's secret" thingy, sighed in defeat.

"It's not like you are his girlfriend," Miyaji said with a smirk, making Takao wince in annoyance. "I am not his girlfriend! I carry his cart for crying out loud! a boyfriend never orders his girlfriend to carry such cart!---umhpfhhg!"  Shinsuke Kimura, who happens to be very aware that someone just entered the gym, immidiately covered (forcefully) Takao's mouth, and nose, making him gasp for air.

"Shhhh! Ii think someone's inside!"  Miyaji said, while trying not to be as loud as possible.  

The trio, leaned closer to the door, while forcefully dragging Takao; "foot steps"  Miyaji exclaimed.  

Takao who's now gasping for air, seems to struggle more! his face turning into a different bluish-purplish hue.

When their captain saw that he's really suffocating,  he immediately called the person who's currently, making Takao's life, misserable.

"Oi baka! let go of him! he's about to die!"  

"Oh! gomen..." Kimura said, while finally, letting go of Takao.  "You (gasp) nearly (gasp) killed me! Baka!" 

"Shhhhs! be quiet or I'll strangle you to death!"  Kimura said, while leaning his ears towards the wall to listen if Midorima is insode the gym.

"You nearly did senpai," Takao said sarcastically.  He's pissed that he have no idea what Midorima's secret is.   Then, a brilliant idea crossed his mind (ding)

"We need to check his phone! I'm sure he has something in there! maybe his secret! hahahaha!" Takao grins while  wiggling his eyebrows.

"What if he has porn in his phone? he-he-he"  their captain suddenly turned into a weird looking guy.

"Then, it'll be MIdorima's downfall! we can use it to black mail his so he wouldn't bring any big lucky items! I nearly tripped ine yeaterday! that bloody elephant that he brought was so big, it could be a centerpiece for our school festival!"  Taisuke added.

"--but who's going to stall and take Midorima's phone? he kind of uses it almost every day now! and it's weird!" Miyaji, who happens to be making a point added.  "I'll stall, you take the phone," The captain said, while eyeing his three team members.  "Okay, we shall do the plan later after pactice!"

"Yosh!"  the trio added, and it wasn't long when Midorima, enetered the vicinity, strartling them.  

The greenhaired tensai just gave them a nod and went straight ahead to his locker.

"Oi, Shiiin-chan, have you brought any lucky items today?"  Takao, who's currently secret winking at the trio behind him, is now doin the plan.

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