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"....over the last couple of years, natural resources have been growing slimmer and pollution has become a serious threat. With this planet dying and funds for space exploration low due to lack of interest according to NASA, they are hosting a contest for adults eighteen between forty. More on that story coming soon after a quick weather report from Jim-"

Mark turned off the tv and ran a hand through his messy black hair, pulling out his phone as he looked up more details about the contest.

YouTube had shut down years ago, leaving him jobless with no idea of where to go in life besides going back to college, which was his last resort.

Chica hopped up onto the couch beside him, nuzzling his free hand as he scanned the NASA website.

"Seven winners will be pulled randomly from worldwide at the end of today? Wow." Mark breathed in awe before frowning when he realized that he had an extremely slim chance of winning.

"What's up babe?" Amy prompted curiously as she sat on the other side of Mark, peeking over his shoulder at his phone.

"NASA is doing a contest for people to be able to go to space and help find a new planet!" Mark explained excitedly, showing her the website's content.

"That's great." Amy replied with forced enthusiasm, clearly not as happy as him.

"What's wrong?" Mark asked worriedly.

"I know I'm being selfish, but I don't want you to go. It's not safe out there, no matter what NASA says." Amy replied softly, awkwardly rubbing her arm.

"It'll be okay, I probably won't even get picked." Mark assured her, taking her hand and squeezing it gently as he set his phone down.

It was early in the morning, so the two ate breakfast before going on a walk with Chica, making sure to remember their gas masks.

It was 2136, and the Earth was in bad shape.

Crime was a constant everywhere, the air basically unbreathable and the sky always dark and cloudy with storms occurring weekly.

When Mark, Amy, and Chica got back home, Mark played games on his holographic computer for the afternoon despite the fact that it wasn't his job anymore.

He missed YouTube a lot, as well as all of his subscribers and friends that he could only talk to through the platform.

Meanwhile, Amy spent her time playing with Chica and watching tv, constantly checking the news for any information about the contest for Mark since she knew it was important to him.

For lunch Amy and Mark ordered pizza since neither felt like cooking, eating together before going off to continue what they were previously doing.

When it became evening, Mark joined Amy on the couch and watched the news with her, eagerly awaiting the announcement he had been anticipating all day.

"....and now it's time to announce the winners! First up, we have a special guy originally from Ireland, Mr. Sean McLoughlin!" The reporter announced.

"Woah, that's pretty cool!" Mark exclaimed, happy for his friend.

"Next, we have Ethan Nestor from America!" The reporter continued, surprising Mark.

"There is also Robin Torkar from Sweden, Felix Kjelberg from Brighton, Dan Howell and Phil Lester from Manchester, and lastly we have..." the reporter trailed off to create suspense, irritating Mark as he waited impatiently for the last name.

"Mark Fischbach from America!" The reporter finished.

Mark sat in stunned silence for a moment, comprehending what had happened.

"I'm going to space." He mumbled in disbelief.

"I'm fucking going to space!" Mark yelled ecstatically as he shot off of the couch, pulling Amy up and spinning her around in his arms.

"I'm glad you won." Amy smiled genuinely, glad to see Mark happy.

Mark's celebration was interrupted by his phone ringing, alerting him that NASA was already calling.

"Hello?" Mark hastily answered.

"Congratulations on winning, you will have a private jet take you to Houston Texas to begin training with your colleagues tomorrow morning, so be prepared. Remember to pack only necessities and have your job, friends, and family notified that you will be gone for an estimated time of five years." A male voice announced before hanging up, giving Mark no time to speak.

"This is so cool!" Mark gushed as he hugged Amy, eager for his dreams to come true.

"Five years..." Amy repeated softly, looking into Mark's eyes.

"I know." Mark sighed in remorse as he held her in his arms as she began to quietly sob, her shoulders shaking as Mark ran his fingers through her hair to soothe her.

"I'll be back." Mark assured her with firm conviction, determination shining in his eyes.

"Promise?" Amy whispered hopefully.

"Promise." Mark nodded in confirmation, pressing a light kiss to her forehead.

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