The Beginning

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The seven trained hard for three years, using the time to grow smarter, stronger, and adapt to the gross food that was served to them daily.

One day while they were running, their amount of laps around the track was cut short by Micheal standing in their way.

"I think you guys are ready. You've all made amazing progress, and I think it's about time we get this show on the road." Micheal announced proudly.

"Really?!" Mark exclaimed in excitement.

"No, I was just kidding." Micheal replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"So what's the plan?" Robin interjected impatiently.

"We'll have you gather your things and then you guys will board the rocket." Micheal explained simply.

"I'm going to fucking die." Dan muttered under his breath.

"Don't worry, Philly's got your back." Phil assured him with a smile.

The seven YouTubers briskly walked back to their sleeping quarters and found black duffel bags waiting for them, each marked by a charm that was either a logo or color that coordinated with the matching YouTuber.

"I wish Wiish was here, she's so much better at packing than me." Sean whined softly as he began stuffing clothes inside his bag adorned with a green septic-eye.

"Don't you mean you Wiish that she was here?" Robin joked with a grin, earning a couple of laughs from the others.

"Quit Robin my jokes." Sean countered playfully.

"That was good, I'll have to Mark that down." Ethan chimed in.

"I don't know, it sounded pretty orDANary." Phil added.

"I've heard enough jokes to Phil me up for the day." Dan replied.

"C'mon guys, we have to get back into JACKtion." Felix laughed.

"I don't think we can make a pun out of my name." Felix remarked in a pouting tone.

"Or mine." Ethan frowned in pretend sadness.

"That just means that we'll have think of some while we're in space." Mark comforted his friends, zipping up his prepared bag.

"You guys ready?" Micheal prompted as he poked his head into the room.

"Hell yeah!"

Micheal rolled his eyes at their response before motioning for them to follow him.

"Now before you guys board, we have to get you guys your suits." Micheal told them as they walked down the hall.

"Ta-da!" Micheal declared as he opened one of the doors in the hall.

Inside waiting for them was seven suits that were white with stripes of color accenting them.

"Oh that's so cool!" Mark gasped in awe as he found a suit lined with vibrant pink, running his hand down it with a wide grin.

"I feel like I'm from Tron!" Robin laughed as he put his suit lined with cherry red.

"I'm glad they know my color." Dan smirked as he slipped on his white with black suit.

"Green for the former green boy, WHOO!" Sean yelled in excitement.

"Ya boy got some nice light blue." Ethan remarked happily.

"Is having white racist?" Felix wondered aloud as he eyed his suit.

"If that's the case, then we're all racist since our suits are white." Mark pointed out as he put his helmet on.

A green holographic screen activated, showing Mark scans of the life forms around him and informing him about his surroundings.

"Ohh, I got rainbow!" Phil beamed enthusiastically.

"I think they did that for a reason." Ethan murmured jokingly under his breath.

"Do you all remember your roles I assigned you?" Micheal interjected.

"Yeah, I'm engineer." Mark nodded.

"Medic." Phil chimed in.

"Tech support." Dan added.

"Captain!" Felix declared proudly.

"Info guy." Robin called out.

"Rationer." Ethan sighed.

"I'm weapons guy!" Sean yelled energetically.

"Now the real adventure begins." Micheal stated with a grin, leading them out of the room to go to the ship.

As they walked outside into the warm desert morning, Mark spotted their ship on the launching pad.

It was ginormous, casting an intimidating shadow over the group as they approached.

It looked like a long spear that was pointed upwards at the sky, looking as if it could pierce the heavens.

"Welcome to the Explorer." Micheal announced.

"Woah." Sean gasped in awe, nearly falling backwards while trying to look up at it.

"It's equipped with sleeping quarters for each of you, a bathroom, an excessive room, and a storage room." Micheal listed off.

"C'mon, go on in." Micheal encouraged them.

Mark walked towards the ship, a landing ramp lowering for them so they could board.

"Everyone ready?" Felix shouted to the others strapped into their seats behind him.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Dan muttered nervously, constantly wringing his hands as his leg bounced up and down.

Phil took his hand and held it tight to help comfort Dan and himself, his face paler than usual.

"Let's go!" Mark cheered.

"You're fucking crazy." Sean scoffed at Mark with a slight grin, his enthusiasm infectious.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4....3...2...1-Liftoff!" Micheal counted down.

The rocket jolted as the engines kicked in, sending them flying into the air.

Everyone was screaming in a mix of excitement and fear as they soared past the clouds.

Then there was silence.

"We're in space." Mark breathed in disbelief.

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