Be The Very Best

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"Rise and shine future astronauts!" Micheal announced as he clapped his hands, activating the lights.

The YouTubers groaned in reply, Dan being one of the ones that flung their covers over their head while Mark eagerly hopped out of his bed, ready to begin while everyone else slowly crawled out of bed after him.

"Let's start with some breakfast, then we'll begin training." Micheal directed, leading them to a large cafeteria with multiple tables.

Most of them were already filled with other members of the team that none of the YouTubers knew.

Together they walked through the line, receiving a tray of unappetizing looking slop, lukewarm coffee in a thermos, and a nostalgic feeling of being back at school.

"Where do we sit?" Felix asked the others as they exited the line, scanning the room.

"There's an empty table here." Dan spoke up, gesturing to a table far back in the corner.

"Shouldn't we meet the others?" Jack interjected.

"I don't want to talk until I have my coffee." Dan replied as he walked off, everyone else following after.

They talked while they attempted to eat their disgusting breakfast, trying to focus on anything else that wasn't their food's grotesque appearance.

Once they finished, Micheal cans to them and brought them to their exercise room to test everyone's physique.

As expected, Dan and Phil were able to run for a minute before breathing heavily with sweat pouring down their faces, Felix, Ethan and Robin not doing much better.

Mark and Sean had an easier time since they worked out on a daily basis, able to keep a steady pace for a long time.

"Ok, this'll be a little harder than I thought." Micheal mused aloud in mild amusement as he watched them struggle before signaling for them to stop.

They got off of the treadmills with relief, beginning to dread the rest of the day even more.

"Okay, let me show you something." Micheal told them, guiding out of the room and into a different one that had a large machine that Mark recognized instantly.

"That's the machine that spins you around right?" Mark asked excitedly as they entered.

"Yes it is." Micheal chuckled before pausing, retrieving his phone from his pocket to look at the screen.

"Hang on, I'll be right back." Micheal instructed before hurrying off.

"This is cool." Robin remarked, wandering around.

The room had a set of stairs that led to the control room and had a blast shield to act as protection as well, the machine itself looking like a long metal beam with a ball attached to the end.

"I have an idea." Felix spoke up, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"Someone gets into the machine and we'll take it for a little spin." Felix suggested eagerly.

"That's a bad idea." Ethan pointed.

"Exactly." Phil nodded.

"Let's do it!" Mark cheered, climbing into the ball shaped chamber as Felix ran into the control room, the others following for safety.

"Ready?" Felix called out.

"Ready!" Mark yelled, strapping himself in.

"I don't know how the fuck to control this, but let's go!" Felix declared, beginning to flip random switches and press buttons until the arm like machine started, beginning to slowly spin Mark around the room.

"Hmm, not fast enough." Felix frowned, noticing a lever.

"Here we go." Felix smirked, pulling the lever up as high as it would go.

Mark began to rapidly gain speed, flying around the room with enough speed to make him and everyone watching feel sick.

"Sorry for the-what the hell are you doing?!" Micheal shouted in alarm as he saw Mark fly by.

Micheal stormed into the control room and pushed past Felix, quickly shutting off the machine.

The sphere gradually began to slow down before it came to a complete stop in front of Micheal.

Micheal opened the door and lifted the unconscious YouTuber out, laying him on the ground.

"Having so many G's could've killed him." Micheal sternly told the others as they ran out to him.

They awkwardly stood back as Micheal checked Mark's pulse and breathing, relaxing slightly when he saw his chest rise and fall.

Mark abruptly rolled onto his side and threw up what little breakfast he had eaten, creating a chunky tan puddle on the ground that made everyone else feel nauseous as well.

"I'll cut training for today since I obviously can't trust any of you to handle anything else." Micheal informed them tersely before storming off, obviously furious.

"You okay?" Ethan asked Mark timidly.

Mark nodded slowly, carefully sitting up before having to quickly lay back down.

"You're an idiot, you know that right?" Sean grunted as he lifted Mark up, Felix helping.

"I know, that's why we're friends." Mark mumbled wearily, his eyes half- closed.

"C'mon, let's get him to bed." Phil interjected, urging them on.

Felix and Sean practically dumped Mark into bed before going to the cafeteria for lunch.

The food wasn't much better then, but they brought some to Mark nonetheless and kept him company while he recovered.

At dinner however, there was a surprise.

"Astronaut ice cream!" Robin cheered in excitement as he ran into the sleeping quarters with the others, tossing a package to Mark.

Mark caught it with a grin, starting to tear it open.

"Ah ah ah, dinner first." Ethan directed with a snicker.

Mark eyed the plate of mystery meat warily, doubting he try it, much less finish it.

"You all suck." Mark muttered before taking a bite.

He instantly spat it back out onto the plate, wrinkling his nose in disgust as everyone laughed.

"Close enough, go ahead." Dan laughed in amusement.

"I still hate you guys." Mark grumbled sourly as he tore into the package and took a bite.

"We know." Felix laughed in reply.

That night, everyone fell asleep quickly due to the exhaustion of training, the future looking impossible to survive.

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