Eyes Like Stars

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Mark instantly unbuckled from his seat and propelled himself off of his chair towards the single window on the side of the ship, his wide chocolate eyes reflecting the vibrant blue and purple galaxy as they glistened in the bright starlight.

"It's so cool." Mark whispered in awe, feeling his eyes well up with tears.

"C'mere Marki." Sean beckoned the dark haired male, holding him in his arms as tears of joy streamed down his face.

"I-I'm here in space-"

"Shh, I know, just breathe." Sean instructed with a small smile, wrapping his arms around him from behind as they continued to look out the window at the majesty of space.

"I feel so small...so worthless." Dan murmured in awe.

"You're not to me." Phil replied as they too looked outside, Dan instinctively taking Phil's hand.

Ethan was stunned silent as he and Robin floated to the others, neither person knowing what to say that no one else was thinking.

"Ground control to Explorer, do you copy?"

The seven tensed when they heard someone speak, relaxing when they realized that it was Micheal's voice coming through the mini screen next to the controls of the ship.

"Loud and clear Micheal." Felix answered as he floated back to his seat, managing to tear his gaze away from the window after much reluctance.

"Can we be called something else? Explorer is a fucking boring name." Sean interjected while Ethan did a front flip in the air.


"Ooh, I know! We should be called-"

I hate the ship name I chose, so I want you guys to choose. What do you guys think?

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