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"How did they find us if the generator's up?!" Arin exclaimed in confusion as he struggled to catch up with the long strides of PJ.

"Either we have a traitor in our midst or our generator might've been damaged last attack and we didn't notice until now." PJ mused, stopping once they reached the Hub.

"I want all of you to go to your rooms while I talk to the king and get things sorted out." PJ instructed the group firmly.

"We're not kids, we can help!" Felix protested fiercely.

"I just want to keep you all safe, now go!" PJ barked commandingly.

None of the YouTubers budged.

"Fe hay jun ki dra!" One of the Nidirians exclaimed in a panicked tone as they ran up to PJ.

"I know we're low on fighters King Zion, but-"

PJ cut himself off when the Nidirian King shot him a warning glare with his three multicolored eyes.

"Alright...he said that we must join the fight." PJ told the others grimly.

"About time I've been able to do something." Mark grumbled.

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Sean asked Mark warily.

"As fine as radiation poison will let me be." Mark admitted softly.

King Zion brought them to a hangar room full of fighter planes, motioning for them to hurry before darting off.

"What about Ethan?" Dan interjected nervously.

"I'm...here!" Ethan panted as he ran up to his friends, noticing the ships.

"We fighting?" Ethan asked.

"Unfortunately." Robin nodded.

"Don't worry, I have a plan." PJ assured them as he climbed into his ship before taking off.

The others scrambled into their ships and examined the unfamiliar controls, quickly learning the controls as they took off.

"Now that we're out, follow me!" PJ commanded his fellow YouTubers through the ship's com system on a secret frequency he had created.

Sean was blasting at the Malums with his laser turrets, blowing a few up much to his amazement.

"Follow you where?!" Arin replied in confusion, letting out a yell of fear as a laser barely brushed passed his cockpit.

"Home." PJ stated, voice tinged with happiness as he thought about finally being able to leave.

Until his ship went down.

A stray shot blew up his engine, causing his ship to combust into a big ball of orange flames that careened into the planet's surface.

"PJ?!" Felix yelled frantically, turning his ship to go back for him.

"We have to go now while there's chaos to hide our escape, PJ's already dead!" Mark told the captain remorsefully.

"Where even is home? We don't have supplies!" Sean interjected.

"This ship travels three times faster than any ship on Earth and we're still in our system, we can find Earth before we die at least." Arin reasoned.

"I guess it's better than dying on an alien planet without Amy." Mark muttered under his breath.

As the seven peeled away from the Nidirians, some of them turned to open fire in them to prevent them from escaping.

"Does this ship have like a hyperspace or something?!" Sean yelped, frantically scanning his controls for something that could make him move faster.

"Hit the button above you!" Arin instructed everyone.

They did as they were told, causing their ships to rocket off and leave Nidiri behind.

"Yes!" Ethan cheered.

"Now what?" Arin chimed in.

"My scanner's sating that's there's an inhabited planet nearby, it could be Earth." Robin announced.

"We can check it out." Felix agreed.

It didn't take long to reach the planet, but what they saw wasn't what they had hoped.

While the planet was indeed Earth, it was barely recognizable under the cloud of dense pollution shrouding its surface.

"Oh my god..." Sean whispered numbly, afraid of what he'd find on the surface if he decided to land.

"C'mon, we have to tell them about Nidiri." Felix urged the crew.

"They tried to kill us!" Arin reminded the Swede.

"At least we might have a chance! If we stay here..." Felix trailed off, afraid to finish his sentence.

"Let's go then." Robin spoke up, flying his ship closer to the surface.

"How do you and Danny know how to fly this?" Ethan questioned the pair as they descended.

"You learn a lot when you're trapped on an alien planet for years." Dan explained simply as the approached the ocean below.

That was when a barrage of missiles flew towards them and took all of their ships down without warning.

All seven YouTubers plunged into the sea below, the tanks that had shot them down from the coast seemingly satisfied since they had protected LA from further attacks.

No one knew that they were human until a team of scientists was sent hours later to scavenge the remains of the alien ships. 

They found Arin and Danny holding hands, Arin's body scarred with burns that had killed him before he had even reached the water while Danny's was almost unrecognizable with the amount of cuts on him.

Robin was found next, his head decapitated by a scrap of metal from his destroyed ship.

Then there was Sean, a fatal gash running across his neck horizontally that was still bleeding when they found him.

Scientists are still unsure if the wound was self inflicted or not.

Next was Mark, his body bloated from being drowned and his body covered in multiple bruises that scientists later found out was caused by radiation poisoning. 

Ethan's body was never found since scientists speculated that he had been burnt to ash in the explosion of his ship.

Lastly, there was Felix, who looked the most human since he had died by a stab wound to the head that scientists were able to determine as self inflicted.

When Amy was told about Mark's demise, she took the news surprisingly well.

Or so the cops thought.

She hung herself in her bedroom later that night with no note found.

Signe was told next, and surprised the cops when she started smiling through her tears.

She had murmured something about "PMA" before she walked off and was never found again, no matter how many search parties we're sent after her.

Marzia was already dead by suicide since she had given up on Felix, believing that he was already dead when she hadn't heard from him in twenty years.

Dan, PJ, and Phil's families were already dead from old age, leaving no one to tell of their demise.

The YouTubers had learned the hard way that while there were many places among the stars, none of them would be for humans.

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