Chapter 1: Bad News

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Monday's. I do not like Monday's with a passion. At least there's only one more Monday, then no school for a whole three months! However, I didn't want to get up, like every other Monday. I wanted so badly to hit snooze and sleep in for five more minutes, but I needed to get up.

The house was quiet, since I'm the only one here. My parents were gone on a business trip. They come home today, I can't wait to see them! I have the best parents in the world. They're always there for me no matter what. I sure do miss them! Their plane arrives while I'm in school, so they'll be here when I get home. My parents coming home is the only thing good about this Monday.

I took extra time getting ready. I was trying to decide if I want to dress up or casual. After standing in my closet for roughly twenty minutes I decided on a cute maroon sweater, light almost white jeans, and brown boots. I always dress warm because it's like an igloo in school. I spent even more time doing my makeup. I curled my hair to perfection. I still had about five minutes until I needed to leave. I'm just going to leave early.

The air was a little chilly this morning, which is strange for May. It's always warm or hot in the morning.

The school was already packed, even though class doesn't start for another twenty minutes. I walked through the crowds of people trying to find Kenzie and Kurt. They just had to be all the way in the back, sitting on a bench, and bickering back and forth. Those two drive me crazy. Kurt could say the sky is blue and Kenzie would argue and say it's purple. They argue over everything.

Kenzie snapped her head over in my direction and looked relieved when she saw me. She mouthed the words 'he's being an idiot' which caused me to tip my back and laugh. Kurt narrowed his eyes at her, causing me to laugh ever harder.

Once I've finally stopped laughing, "How was your guys weekend?" I managed to say. Kurt and Kenzie glanced at each other, then back at me. Apparently, I missed something.

"Kurt came over Friday, then Saturday I slept, Sunday I did homework," Kenzie said, without even looking up from her hands. She was staring at them like they're the most fascinating things in the world.

"Saturday I had to be Makayla's chaperone. Sunday I slept," Kurt said, looking everywhere but me. Did something happen between these two or is it just the Monday mood?

"Wow. Your weekend went crappier than mine did," I said, trying to make one of them laugh or do something instead of being so awkward. It clearly didn't work.

"Lacey. Girl talk, right now!" Kenzie commanded. Kenzie shot up and pulled me inside the school to our lockers; mine first then hers.

"Did something happen between you and Kurt on Friday? Did you guys finally become a couple?" I asked. Kenzie has always had a thing for Kurt, but he just likes pestering her. Kurt is one of the biggest flirts in the school, so I'm quite surprised he hasn't tried anything with Kenzie yet.

"Something happened, but it's not what you think," she said, looking down. Okay, I was seriously missing something.

"What happened then?" I asked, getting nervous to know the answer.

"IgotdrunkandkissedKurtbuthesaidhesinlovewithyouandipromisednottotellyoubuticantkeepitin!" She said, all in one breath.

"I can't understand gibberish. Slow down, woman!" I said, getting annoyed.

"I got drunk and kissed Kurt, but he said he's in love with you. I promised not to tell you but I can't keep it in!" She said, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"Wow. He's so-" I attempted to say.

"Sexy!" Kurt finished coming up behind me. Worry flashed all over Kenzie's face.

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