Chapter 2: Heartbreak

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I went home, went into my parents' room and cried. I just can't believe they're gone. No more of dad's crazy cooking, mom's karaoke, or embarrassing moments, nothing. It's all gone just because my parents had to go on that business trip.

I inhaled the mixture of their scents in the sheets and on the pillows, making me cry harder. How will I ever get used to them not being there? They'll never sleep in this bed again. This room will be unoccupied and empty. I'll never be able to hear their silly arguments, or listen to them talk about the business.

I felt my mind and body to numb. My thoughts were jumping everywhere. How am I going to do this? I could feel my eyelids getting heavy, sleep trying its best to overtake me. My mind had went blank, and finally I was consumed in a deep sleep.


When I woke up I could smell blueberry muffins. Maybe I'm hallucinating. I put on my mom's robe and house slippers and made my way very slowly downstairs to the kitchen.

Nope, not hallucinating. Kurt was in the kitchen, putting blueberry muffins on the counter along with a bunch of my favorite baked goods. Kurt looked up at me, blushing deeply.

"Where's Kenz?" I croaked, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. I love Kurt like a brother, but now is a time when I need Kenzie.

"She went home to pack a bag, and the teachers grave her your work for the week. We got the whole week off to be with you" he said.

"Thanks. I appreciate it," I said, looking up at Kurt who seemed to take notice of the tears betraying my eyes. I felt the warm tears steaming down my face. Kurt held his arms open for me. I walked to him very quickly and cried into his shirt. His warmth surrounding me, comforting me. I held onto his shirt and sobbed uncontrollably.

"Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?" I asked, multiple times into Kurt's chest. My heart shattering. I feel like I can't breathe. I just want my mom and my dad to walk in the door and tell me everything is okay and that they're safe and alive. I want to tell them how painful this is. No one deserves to lose someone that means so much to them. The pain is almost unbearable.

"I don't know, Lace. I'm sorry. I'm upset and so is Kenz, but I can't imagine how you're feeling. Kenz and I will be here with you through everything," Kurt said sincerely. I let go of his shirt, it was soaked.

"Thank you," I smiled, sadly.

"Also, I know you don't want to hear this but we need to go to the funeral home at 6:30," Kurt said.

"Oh," I whispered, not able to get anything else out. I walked back upstairs to my parents' room. I need to take a shower. I walked over to my mom and my dad's bathroom. I turned the water on and stepped in. I used my mom's shampoo and conditioner and her body wash. I let the tears out as they blended in with the steaming hot water.

After standing in the water, just soaking it up, I got out. I went to my room and put on some yoga pants, and a sports bra. I put my hair up in a loose messy braid.

As I was walking downstairs, I could hear Kurt and Kenzie arguing; typical.

"We need to put navy blue and magenta colored sprinkles because those are her favorite colors!" Kenzie said, very angrily.

"But navy blue and lime green look better together!" Kurt whined.

"No! We're putting navy blue and magenta sprinkles with this icing!" Kenz said, pulling out a container of black buttercream icing.

"No! We're doing navy blue and lime green sprinkles! And, You cannot put black icing on a cake! It needs white icing, like the one I have!" Kurt said, grabbing a container of white buttercream icing. I laughed lightly at their childish argument, causing them to jerk their heads toward me. Both of their expressions went from anger and harsh, to soft.

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