The Boy and the Wooden Box : ch 1

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Hey, My name is Rye Alter

Today I'm going to tell you a story about a

mysterious, unfortunate and unforgettable Event

that came upon me. I'll be Warning you now but...

This is not something to take lightly.


Dec 21st 1892

It all began when I slowly opened my eyes, my body strangely aching tremendously.

What caused this or who caused this? As I sat down to scratch my head, I looked around only to be sitting down in an old abandoned room.

Right beside me stood a wooden box. The box was beautifully painted with colourful styles and carvings of happy clown faces on the side.

On the top of the box was trimmed "Oɀ" in bright black. The mysterious box also had a tag coming down.

I flipped the tag to see a text which read "Turn Me."
"What did they mean by t-" The minute I looked
back down at the box popped a handle.

"Where did the handle come from?" Went through
my mind. Everything about this box seemed Strange the Paintings, Drawings, tag and even the name sounded a bit bizarre.

But my curiosity took the best of me, Even though it wasn't my Box although I knew nothing about it. My heart was beating with suspicion.

As I held the box with both my hands, I closed my eyes, I then gently turned the cranky handle, The handle was rusty and seemed pretty old.

as I thought to myself...
Was a secret gonna be told? Maybe a legend? Or a ancient map?, did the box hoard treasures, such as gold? Was the box gonna bring me back home? It was all I had begged for.

As the box cranked open. "Pop" the wooden box went. I then shot my eyes open and looked down hoping for something special.

As for my surprise Nothing... Nothing had happened it just stood there. My curiosity then increasingly turned to Anger.

"What was I even thinking?" As I threw away the wooden box.

"This is a child's toy! Was I that stupid to think such a foolish thing?"

As I got up in rage ready to crush then kick the wooden box,

That's when...

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