The Boy and the Wooden Box : ch 3

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Hey, My name is Rye Alter

Today I'm going to tell you a story about a

mysterious, unfortunate and unforgettable Event

that came upon me. I'll be Warning you now but...

This is not something to take lightly.



Recap : "Tap, Tap" I heard as he began walking towards the light.

I then closed my eyes thinking maybe this was all just my imagination, and when I'd wake up, it will all just go away.

I then slowly opened my eyes. Praying this was all just a scary dream.

The only problem was when I opened my eyes...

Right there in front of me stood...



I questioned in fear knowing this was not just a dream, but reality.
"Well?" Him and his dry voice asked.

I looked up and peeked at the strange man who was right in front of me.

He was tall, I judged.
He was wearing a pure black coat with
6 shiniest golden buttons I had ever seen. 3 Buttoned on each side,
holding what looked like a compass in his left hand following with black polished shoes.
Lastly a Big Black hat with the reddest rose ever seen, Covering his Face.

"He was well dressed, he seemed like he was a Circus?" I thought to myself.

I then Gazed up at his pale face, locking my eyes with his scary, red, pupil-less eyes, I then looked at his dull blonde hair with a hitch of red on the ends.

Everything about him was peculiar.
This guy was dangerous I thought, I tried making a run for it but I failed he then gripped my hand.

"Why are you always so jump-y?"
He insisted.

I cried "Let me Go!" As he turned around and dragged me near the wooden box.
"Come with me and I will take you through Hell!"
He replied.

"I wanna go home! Please! I will do anything!"
I begged unstoppably.
"Who says you've got a home?"
He answered as he dreadfully laughed.

That's when it hit me,
"I didn't have a home nor family or friends, even if I did...
I wouldn't remember."

What was the truth I brought to myself.
What was the point?
If I were to live or die no one would notice or care.
We reached the box. What was gonna happen now? I cried.

then quickly spun around. Revealing his now sorrow face as black drips of liquid came out his soulless eyes.

"Come with me Rye this is your Des-tiny!"
He screeched as he violently began laughing again.

"I told you! We've never met! Never ever!"
I bawled my eyes while saying.
Oɀ then let go of my swollen hands.

He looked down at the worn out box, he then reached down and held the box close and started petting it like it meant something special to him.
while black tear drops fell on the wooden box.

He then aggressively turned back to me,
Making the most deadliest glare I've ever seen.
"Do you know why this beautiful box is so special?"
He implied while squeezing my hand tightly.

"N-no" I stuttered in fear wishing he would let go.
To my already beaten down hands.

"Well..." he creakily smile as he let go
and started petting the wooden box.

Once again...

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