The Boy and the Wooden Box : ch 2

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Hey, My name is Rye Alter

Today I'm going to tell you a story about a

mysterious, unfortunate and unforgettable Event

that came upon me. I'll be Warning you now but...

This is not something to take lightly.


Recap : "What was I even thinking?" As I threw away the wooden box.

"This is a child's toy! Was I that stupid to think such a foolish thing?"

As I got up in rage ready to crush then kick the wooden box,

That's when...


"BOOM" it went right behind me. I paused...
"who's t-there?" I asked in fear. The minute I turned,

The wooden box violently started shaking, the box then, without any warning swung right open revealing colourful smoke and confetti everywhere.
As a dark figure came freely out the box.

"W-what?" I questioned myself as I gulped. My brain motioning me to run, As I sprinted towards the door a raspy voice called my name.

"Why hello, Rye so nice to meet ya again!"
The voice spoke. I then effortlessly tried opening the door. The door wasn't opening, So I begun banging the door. "Someone Help!" I cried.

"You don't need to run from me!" He continued while hiding in the dark.
"We're pals!" The cranky tone consisted

"Who are you? I don't know you!" I replied.
He frowned. "Don't you remember me?...Rye?"
He answered.

"How do you know my name?" I questioned
"Did you bring me here?" I asked trying to remember how I got into this mess.

"Why you're filled with questions!" He complained
"Cut the small talk, Let's go have fun!"
Him and his husky voice shot back.

"B-but I don't even know y-"

He then interrupted.
"Don't you remember me? The magnificent Oɀ?"
He said, waiting for a reply. Not knowing what to say or do I then shook my head saying no, answering his question.

The room was then dead silent not a word was said between us. He then disrupted the silence.
"Would this ring a bell?" he insisted.

"Tap, Tap" I heard as he began walking towards the light.

I then closed my eyes thinking maybe this was all just my imagination, and when I'd wake up, it will all just go away.

I then slowly opened my eyes. Praying this was all just a scary dream.

The only problem was when I opened my eyes...

Right there in front of me stood...

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