The Boy and the Wooden Box : ch 4

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Hey, My name is Rye Alter

Today I'm going to tell you a story about a

mysterious, unfortunate and unforgettable Event

that came upon me. I'll be Warning you now but...

This is not something to take lightly.



Recap : He looked down at the worn out box, he then reached down and held the box close and started petting it like it meant something special to him.
while black tear drops fell on the wooden box.

He then aggressively turned back to me,
Making the most deadliest glare I've ever seen.
"Do you know why this beautiful box is so special?"
He implied while squeezing my hand tightly.

"N-no" I stuttered in fear wishing he would let go.
To my already beaten down hands.

"Well..." he creakily smile as he let go
and started petting the wooden box.

Once again...


"This Box was my only gift, my only friend."
Oɀ muttered.

I then managed to make a poker face at him.

"You wouldn't understand." He frowned.

But for some reason, I didn't know why but something was telling me that I did... That I-

Oɀ had then snapped his fingers.

That's when... "Uhhh-ahhhh" My head pounded, it seemed as if I got hit by a meteorite.
My brain was then filling up, I was getting sleepier by the second.

My eyes were automatically closing on me.
"What's happening to me? I panicked.

As I gently closed my eyes.

Although the last thing my eyes managed to see while shutting down was Oɀ... Smiling?

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"Isn't this a beautiful wooden box?"
A young boy with shiny blonde hair and green eyes asked.

"Yeah... where did ya find it?"
The other boy questioned.

Giggles where heard.

"I found it behind the cottage in the back, near the red sled, it was covered by a pile of snow.

It plays a really pretty melody."

"Let me here it!"


The boy with the Bright green eyes then spun the  metal handle.

The box then popped open playing the most beautiful melody.

"Sadden crowds, Painted smiles,
Things I almost remember.
A beautiful song someone sings,
Once upon a December."

The beautiful melody then ended leaving the box to close up.

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"Uhhhh" I groaned. "What happened?" I asked.
Where was Oɀ? I thought

And what was that? some sort weird dream?
I was filled with questions with no answers.


"Huh" I questioned.
"Where am I?" I panicked.

I was in a empty cottage.
It was freezing so I covered my body with my hands trying to warm up.

I eventually got up and walked around the strange cabin.

I then found a door leading to the outside near the back.

I chanted as I took a look at the view.
I then repeatedly rubbed my eyes to see if this was just a dream.

As sparkling snowflakes fell everywhere making the ground white as ever, creating huge piles of snow everywhere. Icicles lining up around the fences and a big red sled to take it all away.

It was like I was in winter paradise.
I've never seen a happier day in my life.

I then rushed towards the red sled ready to hop aboard and sled on the snow hills.

I was so relaxed I never felt better I told myself. Nothing can ruin this day. I smiled cheerfully.

Then... it hit me.

Was this the same place the two boys in my dream were...

Listening to the soothing melody...

That's when I realized something.

"Was this the forsaken truth?"


I spoke out loud.

As I

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