The Boy and the Wooden Box : ch 6

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Hey, My name is Rye Alter

Today I'm going to tell you a story about a

mysterious, unfortunate and unforgettable Event

that came upon me. I'll be Warning you now but...

This is not something to take lightly.



Recap : "But I don't remember you. Or anything! All I know is that my name is Rye!"

I shed in tears, I then tried covering my face when he grabbed ahold of my hand.

"That's alright, You will realize soon enough!"
He smiled.

"What do you mean by that?"
I asked.

"You will see."
He then smiled once again.


I then smiled back.

"I forgot to ask."
I stood up.

"What is your name?"
He then closed his eyes and made a cheeky smile.

I awaited my response.

"That you have to figure out on your own!"
He then violently opened his eyes as blood came rushing down his now red eyes.

I jumped in fear.
"A-are you o-okay?"
I stuttered while slowly backing away.

"Well Well Well What do we have here."
My jaw then dropped wide open my ears ready to peal itself.

I knew that voice anywhere.


My eyes then flew wide open.

"What do you want from me?"
I cried.

My nightmares only beginning and my past still forgotten memories.

I took a minute to process everything.
I then realized something very important...

What if Oɀ wanted to be my friend?
Or even deeper what if we were already friends?

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