The Boy and the Wooden Box : ch 5

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Hey, My name is Rye Alter

Today I'm going to tell you a story about a

mysterious, unfortunate and unforgettable Event

that came upon me. I'll be Warning you now but...

This is not something to take lightly.



Recap : That's when I realized something.

"Was this the forsaken truth?"


I spoke out loud.

As I...


Hurried back into the hollow cottage.

"Where is that stupid wooden box?"
I said as I looked around the house.

Not a box at sight.

I then quickly remembered the boy saying it was in the backyard. I was then about to rush to back when...

I heard... Footsteps?

"Thump Thump Thump!"

I then quickly ran into a dusty little room and hid behind the old door.

A few minutes later I took a quick sneak peek wondering who or what it was.

Was it Oɀ? I was hoping it wasn't.

Although I had so many questions to ask him he scared me.

Oɀ May have knew about my past.
Did I have to do something with the box?
Was Oɀ trying to tell me something?

Then it hit me right there.
My knocked out cold my hands shivering from fear.

The time when Oɀ was crying Black tears.

Was it because...

He knew me? Was it because we were friends?
Or even brothers...

I thought that to myself.

"Did he miss me...?"
I was coming up with a bunch of conclusions when...

Footsteps were heard approaching the room door I was hiding behind.

"Thump Thump Thump!"

At that very moment I froze I didn't know what to do.

I held my breath up tight hoping he or she wouldn't hear nor see me.

"Help! Help! I need HELP"

I heard a little boy screamed. Coughing of blood and bleeding filled my ears.

I then quickly ran out the door.
"It's alright I'm he-"

To my surprise...

No one was there the old room was empty with only pecks of dust floating everywhere not a person in sight.

Who's the- there?"
I asked panicking it was nobody right?
Just my imagination?


My heart had then skipped a beat.
The voice sounded so familiar,
It felt as if someone had ripped my heart out alive.

I ached for a reply.

I then looked down...

It wasn't Oɀ...

I then jumped in horror looking at the person standing in front.

I then rubbed my eyes to see if the person was still there as I slowly opened them he was.
I was terrified.

It was the same exact little boy from the strange dream I had of the wooden box and the 2 boys.

The one with the Bright green eyes and shiny blonde hair was here standing right in front of me...

Except he was covered in blood and wounds covering his whole body.

"Help me... Rye" he pleaded.

I then just stood there staring at the kid doing nothing as he begged for me to help him.

I finally fell on my tired knees blank eyes wide open as if a saw a ghost.

"Rye...? Please I need help!"

He begged I still hadn't moved.

I looked at the kid right in his green pleasing eyes.
Now in tears of pain.

I then pulled him close.
"I will help you."

"Thank you so mu-"

"Only if you tell me the truth."
I offered.

"Alright just Help me!"
He cried.

I then tor apart my shirt too clean his body as my body stared freezing from the cold air. The cloth then stoped the wounds from bleeding and aching.

"Close your eyes" I told him.
He then followed my instructions. I then carried his worn out little body to the little room I was hiding behind.

"You can rest here." I smiled at him as I layer him down on the cold floor.

He then smiled back, his smile gave me warmth.
It was like I never needed the shirt to keep me warm.

"Thank you Rye, i knew you would've helped me no matter what." He cheered

"Actually... I wanted to know"
I questioned.

"Anything for you Rye!"
The little boys smile grew.

I then looked down.
"How do you know me? My name or anything?"
I continued.

"Why wouldn't I? We have been friends forever!"
He giggled.

I then frowned.
"But I don't remember you. Or anything! All I know is that my name is Rye!"

I shed in tears, I then tried covering my face when he grabbed ahold of my hand.

"That's alright, You will realize soon enough!"
He smiled.

"What do you mean by that?"
I asked.

"You will see."
He then smiled once again.

The Boy and the Wooden BoxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora