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"The hardest point in life is when every thing seems so perfect, and you know it can't last forever."

"When you're a child every thing is great, easy, fun, then you grow up and face the evil world, stress, fear, anxiety, life, drama, people."

"I read not for education or to spend time, but to escape life. When I read I get taken on a long journey far far away from the world."

"Life is like rain, when you want it to it doesn't, when you don't want it to it does."

"Guys always say they have it harder and that girls are confusing, but put your self in our shoes, you'll wish you didn't."

"You speak to me of loyalty ,of hypocrites, but when it comes to you, it doesn't count."

"When life's good we forget why we're here, then life takes a strike and all of a sudden the creator has to help us."

"Some days the trees wave, the flowers smile, and the wind laughs, other days the trees block you, the flowers frown upon you, and the wind holds you back."

"The sun shines bright, the sky glows blue, the grass lushes green, and the ocean roars to life. What a beautiful world we've been given."

"Why is it okay for you to do every thing you say I can't do?"

"Do you ever think of me?
I think of you.
Do you miss me?
I miss you.
Did you love me?
I loved you."

"I love new things, ideas, places, but when it comes to you I don't want new."

"I cared for you.
I worried for you.
I loved you.
I missed you.
And I will never know your feelings for me."

"Do you think I'm childish? Wild? Mean? Selfish? Rude? Annoying? Careless? I only meant to be yours."

"When you're little you always want to skip the songs in a movie, when your older you watch them for the songs."

" I want to help without complaint, I want to be there when no one is, and sometimes I am but it's hard."

" I want to rebel, be bad, but I can't because if I do there will be no more good in this world and someone has to clean up and make the world a better place."

"Music while doing school, chores, drawing, painting, writing, dancing, singing, driving, music for every thing, music is a calming, relaxing, helpful thing in life."

"Roses are red, violets are blue someone loves you as much as I do."

"I don't want to close my eyes.
For fear of the night sky. I drift into the night, only to think of you. I try to keep my eyes open for fear of the night sky.

When o when
shall I not fear the night sky? I close my eyes positive  that I may not fear the night sky this time,"

"Why do you confuse me?
You say that you love me but you cheat.
You say I'm the only one but you hold hands with another.

Why do you confuse me?
You ask for forgiveness I forgive you,
But you do the same thing the next day.

Why do I forgive you?
Is it because I'm scared to let you go
Because I love you?
Or is it because I can't handle seeing you with another?"

"I didn't choose my life, it was given to me. Now it's my choice to decide what to do with it."

"Treasure what is given to you, because one day you might wake up and it will all be gone."

"I never want to fall asleep, but when I do I don't want to wake up."

"Why do I keep running? When I only reach a dead end."

"I can't go back, I won't, but I need to."

"The dark creeps up on me, the light flees from me, chains hold me fast, and I'm left alone in the black of night."

" why do you fake your personality? When it's just us your nice, then others come in and your suddenly mean to me, who are you when nobody's there?

"Help others, talk to them, share with them, be a light in this dark and crooked generation."

"So you can comment on another girls picture, but no guy can comment on mine?"

"Some times you don't know how much anger your holding in till you let it out."

"We fight, we laugh, we yell, we scream, we cry, but through it all God is with us."

"When the world try's to shut you out, don't give up, because some where there is light, and in that light there is hope, and in that hope there is life."

"Don't forget me.
Don't leave me.
Don't shut me out.
I'm sorry."

"Will you love me forever?
Like me for always?
As long as I'm living?"

"You think you know me, but do you? No one knows what I'm like when I'm alone. No one can... Because if they were there to see it then I wasn't alone."

"I know you care about me, I care about you, but leaving me hurts me more then you being with me."

"Why don't you think your good enough for me? I'm the one who gets to decide who's good enough for me."

Hope you guys enjoyed my poems/thoughts! I will be writing more soon!

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