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It was Friday already, and Yoongi hadn't had any luck with finding a job. He was on his last savings from his last payment, and very grumpy, so Hoseok had decided to make breakfast himself. It wasn't that he was an awful cook, or clumsy like Namjoon in the kitchen, but Yoongi was way better, so while on college, after becoming best friends, he had started making Yoongi do breakfast. But he knew that when the older was on a really bad mood, waking him up and telling him to do breakfast was not the smartest move, even if it was him. So, Hoseok made a nice breakfast and made a cute smiley face on it, taking it to Yoongi's room. He opened the door and entered the room. It was amazing how different it looked now that Yoongi was sleeping in it. He put everything on the floor, very carefully, and kneeled beside the bed. He started caressing the older's arm.

"Hey, Gi. Yoon, wake up. I made breakfast."

Yoongi groaned and turned around.

"Go away, I wanna sleep."

A little giggle was heard and Yoongi couldn't help but smile. God, that boy had him wrapped around his little finger.

"C'mon, YoonYoon. I brought you breakfast to bed so we could cuddle. I know our cuddling sessions can lift your mood, it happened several times. Do not deny it."

Yoongi groaned again, this time just for show. But immediately made space for the younger and sat, lifting his sheet, the other boy happily climbing after giving the tray to him. The black haired boy wrapped one of his arms around the taller's shoulder, and laughed when he saw the smiley faces on both breakfasts. They happily ate, Yoongi's mood effectively lifting, the constant frown no more on his face like a permanent fixture, replaced with his cute gummy smile. By the time they finished breakfast, he was in a way better mood than the day before. They decided to stay a little more on bed cuddling, too comfortable to actually move, but eventually had to, the younger having to go to work and the other having to go look for a new job, a seemingly impossible thing.

Hoseok gave Yoongi a loud kiss on the cheek, hoping it would make the other feel better. It kind of worked, he guessed, given Yoongi laughed loudly, giving him one too, less loud, but still.


When Hoseok came home, he found Yoongi sitting on the couch, watching some random movie. He didn't know what to expect. Had he had any luck finding a new job? Or was he still in the same place as the day before? Was he in a good mood or an awful one that not even cuddles could change? He took off his shoes and left his keys on a little table beside the door.

"Hi, Gi," he greeted softly.

A warm, soft, happy smile answered him. So, a good mood, he guessed.

"Hey, Seok. Come here," the older made grabby hands. Hoseok laughed, immediately going to the couch and his best friend's arms. They both hugged each other tightly. "Want some warm milk?," asked the black haired boy.

Hoseok shook his head. "I'm good. Just wanna cuddle a little." He bit his lip, debating whether to ask Yoongi or not. Fuck it, he thought. "Hey, how... how did it go today?"


"Actually good. Found a job in a coffee place near here. I actually don't have to interact a lot with people, just make the coffees or tea or whatever and serve the whatever they're eating on a trey. Others take care of the people and giving them the things, so." He shrugged.

Hoseok gasped. "Gi! That's so great! I'm so happy for you!" he squealed and wrapped his arms around the other's neck, hugging him tightly.

Yoongi chuckled and patted his back. "Yeah, 's good. I start tomorrow, gotta be there same time as you in your dance Academy, so we're leaving together."

"Yay you can still make me breakfast."

Yoongi laughed loudly. He couldn't believe the younger sometimes.

"God, SeokSeok. You're terrible. So, you only want me for my breakfast?"

The taller shrugged. "Your cooking in general. And your cuddles. And you making me warm milk."

"Just that?" Hoseok nodded. "Oh, it hurts. You hurt me, Jung Hoseok."

The brunette rolled his eyes and laughed, loving his friend's dramatics. He usually did it when he was in a really good mood, so he was good with it.

"Wait," Hoseok disentangled himself from his beat friend. "Will you be here when I arrive?"

Yoongi shook his head, a sad expression on his face. "No, Seok. I'm sorry."

The younger pouted. "It's okay. Guess now Imma be the one to wait for you with my arms open for cuddling sessions."

The older laughed. "Guess so."

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