KNK: Seungjun

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Confession after argument. Requested by Kiblebla

No ones POV

You and Seungjun have been friends for a long time. You met when you were around three or four. You had fallen at the playground after your older brother left you to play with his friends. Seungjun was there and made you laugh when you were hurt. He walked you home and ever since than you two were inseparable. Until you started liking boys. Each boy you liked he hated. Using his height and cool domineer to make sure they never got a chance to talk to you. But eventually you fell for the bad boy, Kim Youjin. Who wasn't intimidated by Seungjun. Youjin already knew Seungjun, so his attempts were ineffective. So instead of talking to him he went to you.

"You can't date him," He bluntly stated while you two we eating.

"That's not something you can decide," you responded.

"Y/N listen to me He is no good. He's a player," He listed putting down his fork.

"So? People can change," you replied.

"Do you know how many girls he dated that probably said the same thing?" He asked. You stayed silent looking at your plate. "I understand that he's your crush but just leave it like that. There's no need to talk to him," he added. You looked up at him extremely annoyed.

"Do you know how many times I had a crush! I had to keep at just a crush because they never showed interest in me! Youjin is the first boy to actually show in me! Can't you be happy for me?" You asked

"No! I can't," he replied. This lead to more arguing, screaming and harsh words.

"Why can't you let me live my life! You're my friend you should be happy that I may be getting a boyfriend!" You spoke harshly.

"How can I be happy when the girl I love is falling for a player?" He questioned in anger. You didn't respond. His eyes were the biggest you've ever seen them as he realized what he said. "I-I didn't mean it like that," he tried to cover.

"You love me? Like love love?" You asked

He sighed knowing he couldn't cover this up. "Yes, Y/N I love you. I don't know when i starred to but all I know is that I love you," He stated

"Why didn't you tell me?" You questioned

"Because your attention was always on some other boy," he replied looking down.

"Seungjun!" You called out. He jumped at the sudden raise in your voice as he looked at you. "Don't be stupid. No one comes between me and you," with that you walked up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You pulled him down to your height. Leaving a sweet kiss on his lips. He was surprised at first but quickly caught on and kissed wraps his arms around your waist pulling you closer.

"I love you, Seungjun," you stated in between kisses.

"I love you too" He relied smiling into the kiss.
511 words

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