NCT: Lucas

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Requested by Kiblebla as usual. Lucas kinda seems out of character but it's whatever. Also be prepared to cringe.
BTW I don't know anything about some of this stuff

I sit on the couch with my laptop on my lap sending necessary emails, checking my schedule and other necessities. My phone lies on the arm rest ready to respond to any calls. Lucas sits on the other end on his phone. "Babe," He calls out.

"Yes?" I look over to him and he looks at me with the biggest pair of puppy eyes.

"Are you done?" He moves closer to me laying his head on my shoulder.

"Almost. Are you hungry?" I asked returning to my work.

"Kinda, but I also would like to spend some time actually interacting with my wife" He pulls me into his lap placing my laptop in my spot.

"Yeah I do too but you know how time consuming my work can be. I'm working on adding another doctor so the work would lessen after that. And I only have two more resumes to look at then we can go out to eat. What would you like?" After saying that my phone rings. I move off him putting my laptop on the coffee table. I hold up a finger telling him to hold his answer. "Hello, Dr. Wong returning a call," I answer switching to my professional voice. Yeah I'm a doctor and I successfully opened my own office 6 months ago. My husband supported me all the way. He got back from his tour two weeks ago and is still adjusting to my busy scheduled. He was there for the first two months than left for tour. During that time my business took off and started bringing in more money. More money means more work. But we still spend as much time together in between our busy schedules. I get up and head towards the kitchen for any possible coupons. Lucas wraps his arms around me laying his head on my shoulder. "If he fell he should've have gotten a CAT scan Immediately. So he need to get one as well as put onto the fall prevention program. Okay tell him I'll be visiting him in the morning. Have a good night," the nurse says good night back and I hang up. I turn around giving him a hug. "So what would you like to eat?" I ask him again.

"Can you cook tonight?" He questions.

"Of course. What should I cook?" I pull away to look at him with a smile. He smiles widely back.

"Anything. It's been so long since I've had your cooking. Your cooking is always delicious," he compliments bringing me back into his strong embrace.

"But do you have something in mind?" I try to pull away form the hug again but he hold me against his chest.

"Ummm..." His voice vibrates from his chest as I listen to his heart beat. It's been so long since the last time I've been this close to him like this. He's breathing is slow along with his heartbeat creating a soothing rhythm. The silence is comfortable as he thinks of something. "Oh, let's have some baked chicken," He moves my hands from around his waist to around his neck and gives me a kiss. "Is that okay?"

"It's perfectly fine ," I give him another kiss and break away from our hug. I go to the freezer and pull out the chicken. I bought some this morning knowing at some point Lucas would want me to cook some. It wasn't frozen so I put it into the refrigerator so it wouldn't get too cold while I finish up my work. I head towards the living room but Lucas stops me.

"Don't go back to working!!" He whines giving me a full pout.

"Lucas, I have to work. I'm almost done then I can cook and you can help me. How does that sound?" I stand on my tiptoes giving him a kiss on the nose.

He shakes his head no, "I don't want you to go back to work. Can't you wait to do that later tonight or tomorrow," He pulls me into another hug. "We've barley hung out since I got back. I wanna cook a meal with you. Then eat then lay down on the couch and talk to each other without any distractions. Just me and you. No computers or phones. Just us," He snuggles his face into the crook of my neck. "I love you"

"I love you too. I love you so much," I hug him tightly back.

"Let's make a baby!" He exclaims pulling me away to look me in my eyes with a wide smile.

"A baby?! You just got back from your tour, I just opened up my business and now you want to make a baby? Wasn't the thrill from touring enough?" I give him a questioning look as he still held his smile thrilled with the idea.

"No it wasn't. A baby or two would be the perfect addition to our family. Maybe three or four if your down."

"That's not happening any time soon. Four kids is a lot of work. Do you really want that?" I ask.

"Of course! Just imagine you come home form a long day at work. I already cooked dinner for the ki-" he starts off.

"Lucas, you can't cook," I interrupt.

"Okay, by the time we have four kids I've probably learned how to cook. Don't destroy my dreams," he gives me another hug making sure my arms are around his neck. "I love you so much and I can't wait to start a family with you," He hugs me tighter placing his head into the crook of neck. His breath tickles my neck as he takes a big breath. "You smell nice. I missed your smell," he states.

"I'm so happy you're back home. I've probably told you this a million times but I missed you so much," I stand on my tiptoes to get a better hold on him and also ease some of the stress on his back from bending down. He pulls back giving me a kiss which soon turned a little heated.

9 months later

"COME ON BABY PUSH!" Lucas screams as I also scream while my son's head forces he's way through my body. After 3 more pushes he's out and crying. Which makes me cry which makes Lucas cry. Soon the placenta is also pushed out of me. "He's so beautiful," Lucas sobs as y/s/n is placed onto my chest. "Thank you for this beautiful blessing. I love you so much," Lucas kisses me the places a delicate kiss onto y/s/n forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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