Cheer up

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"And I mean what sort of monster ends a book like that." Will shouted to nobody in particular, "its pure evil that's what it is." He muttered a few curses at the book and banished it to a shelf in the far corner of the library. He strode across to the window where Jem had been sitting, in subdued silence, for the last hour or so listening to Will rant. Will knelt on the floor beside the window seat and rested his forehead against Jem's leg and for a few seconds he was quiet, content to simply hear his parabatai breathe steadily for once but eventually he glanced up at Jem. He found himself starring at his parabatai's face marvelling at the way his silver eyelashes cast delicate shadows on his sharp cheekbones, and how his bright hair formed a halo around his head and the way his lips were slightly parted as if surprised even though his gaze remained fixed on the street outside.

Jem released a juddery sigh and let his head droop so that his hair fell across his eyes. Will felt shock jolt through him. As if he was being driven by some unknown subconscious force, he reached up and gently stroked the hair out of Jem's downcast eyes. Jem straightened up a bit and pressed his head against Will's hand as if craving his parabatai's comfort. Will stood so he could wrap his arms around Jem and as he did he carded his fingers through Jem's soft hair all the while muttering sweet nonsense in his ears. They stayed like that for so long both lost track of all time except the comforting rhythm of each over's heartbeat.

Will pulled away first and placing a finger under Jem's chin he lifted his face level with his own. "Jem what's going on?" Will's voice was laced with pained concern and Jem winced at the sound of it, he shook his head and as evenly as he could manage he replied,

"I'm just tired of everything." Will frowned slightly before breaking into a sly grin,

" Well I know what will wake you up." With a slight tilt of his head Jem silently asked Will what he meant. he didn't get a chance to voice his question as Will shot forward and began furiously tickling his ribs. Jem couldn't help the shriek of helpless laughter that escaped his lips as he tried desperately to escape Will's torturous grasp.

His efforts were in vain as Will had him trapped in the Window seat but he tried none the less. Jem collapsed into helpless laughter. He slid onto his back and put up his hands too ward of his parabatai. With one hand Will slapped Jem's hands away and the other slid beneath Jem's shirt and continued to torture him.

In Jem's attempt to escape he slipped sideways of the ledge and landed on his back on the library floor. Will followed Jem to the ground and knelt half on top of his slight friend delighted to see Jem genuinely laughing for once. Jem struggled both to wriggle out from under Will and to form a coherent sentence, eventually he managed to beg,

"please Will, I can't breathe." Will chuckled and halted his assault on his blood brother's lungs, smiling fondly as Jem struggled to gain control over his rapid breathing. Will felt Jem relax signaling that he had recovered enough to listen to what Will had to say,

" well I very much doubt you feel tired now?" Jem gave a happy smile and shook his head. Will distantly noticed that Jem had made no attempt to move since Will had stopped tickling him despite the fact Will was sitting on top of him. Will's cheeks flared with heat as he realized this but he didn't dare move in case the movement drew attention to it instead he just stared into Jem's eyes waiting for a reaction.

Jem stayed still for a moment just staring back into Will's eyes before blushing slightly and stammering in a small voice,

" Y- you know. You know I. I love you, don't you Will." Will felt his heart stop and his mind whirred. Jem loved him. But how, like a brother or parabatai or something else.

He knew it was illegal for parabatai to fall in love, of course he did but that didn't mean it didn't happen. Will loved Jem. And he didn't care what the law or society said about it. Will felt his heart swell with courage and hope as he gazed in to his lover's eyes, he leant forward and pressed his lips to Jem's.

Jem gasped but quickly returned the kiss with equal force, Will tangled his fingers in Jem's hair and gently placed a hand on the side of his face. Jem murmured against Will's mouth,

"William someone will see." Will knew he was right but it was with heavy reluctance that he pulled away and stumbled to his feet still giddy with disbelief. He bent down to aid Jem to his feet, although Jem rolled his eyes at Will's fussing he accepted his hand and allowed Will too pull him upright. Jem absent mindedly ran a hand through his messy hair in an attempt to tame it a little, his eyes remained fixed on Will's as if they contained the meaning of life.

Jem's face blushed a deep red when he realised he was staring and he quickly busied himself setting his shirt right. With a grin Will pulled him against his chest and wrapped his arms around Jem's waist, deftly tucking his shirt in as he did so. Will and Jem had always been the same height so there gazes were exactly on par. Will could sense Jem's nervousness and couldn't help but find it utterly adorable, he knew his parabatai had very little if any experience regarding love so he was Jem's first. His first kiss and his first relationship. Will didn't intend to mess it up.

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