thank you

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On reflection, Will had absolutely no idea why he was here. But he did know Magnus owed him big time. Somehow his friend had managed to persuade him to come with him to this bar and for some reason Will had listened. Exactly why was a mystery he would never solve. It wasn't like he had an issue with the drink or the noise but the people. Will was starting to think he may strangle the next person to cross his path or brush his shoulder. And.... Oh god, why was that woman walking towards him. Having just broken up with his boyfriend Will was in no mood to be approached by some idiot who clearly thought the world revolved around them. She stopped in front of him and lazed against the bar twirling her perfectly curled hair between her fingers. Will risked a glance in her direction but he immediately regretted it when the woman leaned into his face and slurred,
"so what's your name then beautiful." Her breath reeked of alcohol her lopsided speech hinted at a lonely night and one glass to many. Will screwed up his nose at the smell and blushed slightly at the woman's words.
"William Herondale." He mumbled. The woman grinned displaying bright white teeth and in a breathy voice she replied,
"The names Jessamine, what do you say we get of here and maybe get to know each over a bit better." Will's eyes flew wide and he shook his head wildly sending his hair flying around his face. The woman whined and somehow managed to get even closer to Will's face as she cried,
"Come on! You can't even buy a girl a drink!" They were beginning to attract some very much unwanted attention. Will blushed furiously and quickly leaned away from her only to bump into the person behind him. Said person placed a hand on his shoulder to steady him and laughed to himself, he had a clear and bright laugh that seemed out of place in a bar. Will turned to see who the laugh belonged to and nearly gasped. He gazed into the eyes of an angel. The boy looked about same age as Will but his hair shone a bright and beautiful silver that framed his face like a halo. The stranger tightened his grip on Will's shoulder, a message Will realised to play along.
"I was wondering where you'd got to." The stranger chuckled. He moved to stand beside Will so he was directly facing the Woman. He tilted his head to the side as he inquired,
"Can we help you miss?" His voice was polite but with a hint of coldness beneath the words. She stared disbelievingly and pointed at Will accusingly,
"You never said you was gay." She scowled and as an afterthought she huffed, "I don't believe you." Will panicked slightly but the stranger remained freakishly calm and somehow still polite as he said,
"Whether you believe it or not miss we would appreciate it if you left." The girl huffed but spun on her heel and stormed out of the bar. Will released a breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding and slumped forwards. The stranger sat opposite him. Will watched him through the gap in his arms as the stranger ordered two drinks and engaged in a cheerful conversation with the bartender. As the bartender, Maia will thought her name was, placed two drinks in front of him he thanked her and slid one across to Will. Will sat upright and glanced at the drink disbelievingly,
"Thank you. For the drink and." He broke of and gestured towards were the woman had stood. The boy smiled and held out a hand for Will to shake.
"No problem, the name is Jem by the way. There wasn't really an opportunity to tell you before." Will took his hand and shook it warmly.
"Well thank you Jem I feel I can never repay you. I'm Will by the way." A sense of ease flooded Will's body at Jem's touch. Before he could stop himself he found himself saying,
"So would you like to get a drink sometime?" As soon as the words left his mouth he found himself silently cursing his stupidity. They were sitting in a bar. Drinking. And he'd asked Jem if he wanted to get a drink sometime. The silver haired boy raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly as he replied,
"That would be great but maybe next time just coffee?" Relief. In slight disbelief of his luck Will could only manage to nod at an alarming speed. The evening past in comfortable companionship and a few drinks too many but neither cared. They were content to simply be together.

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