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Jem – W

I'm busy – J

I'm bored – W

And. Find something to do. You could always clean the apartment. - J

It's not that messy. And that's boring –w

Will it looks like a tornado wreckage site. -J

Only by your standards. To anyone else it is simply a little bit untidy. And it's still boring. -W

So, do something –J

I don't know what to do though that's the point. -W

For god sake Will I'm in the middle of a rehearsal. Watch a film, go for a walk, talk to Magnus. Just leave me alone. - J

But I can't decide on a film, it's raining and Magnus already told me to get lost. -W

Talk to Tessa. -J

She's gone to London. -W

Cecily went with her before you suggest that. -W

Will I'm really busy just do something that doesn't involve the apartment turning to ash. -J


Don't leave me like this -W

-----------------------------------5 minutes later----------------------------------

Jem. I was wrong. I'm not bored, I'm lonely. :( -W

Oh Will. I'll see you soon. -J

Really 🙂 -W

Yes, I'm just leaving. -J

Jem – W

Yes Will – J

I love you – W

I love you too -J 

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