Is It Wrong?

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Chapter 1


"Bye!Mom." I said as I got out side the house I is the forest day of school and its raining like crazy. Today is not my lucky day. It was dark, humid, and wet. Right when I was turning to the next block. A boy came behind me and said"Boo!" and with out noticing who he was I upper cut him.

And then when he fell that is when I notice I knew him."Well it was nice getting to know your fist!" He yelled and holding his stomach hard he looked up and I knew it was Josh. "Gosh, Josh sorry I thought that you were a crazy person! Anyway, I'm really sorry. Don't do that ever again." I could see the scared face on him like I was going to punch him again so instead I helped him up and then he hugged me tight for a really long time.

Then he whispered in my ear "I missed you so much." And then for once I hugged him back and whispered "I missed you too." and when Jack came running to us we stopped hugging and look straight at him. Jack is a very tall and skinny person. "Why are y'all hugging in the rain! Its freezing cold out here. And don't you say just to keep warm." Jack makes the most restarted faces in the world and today was a day he made a sour face.

So, with out anymore talking, me Jack, and Josh were walking to the bus stop.

Where we are lucky that there is shade. Jack and Josh were talking back and forth in a whisper tone. And when I looked back I could hear Josh,

"It was just a friendly hug Jack! Gosh now leave me alone!" Then Josh looked at me with this big blush on his face. I couldn't help it he looked adorable,- let me make this clear I have ALWAYS had a crush on Josh- so then I turned away before he could see I was blushing.

It was 10 min. And we were already at school. And all I could think about, was Josh.

The thought of him was so much better because classes were so so so boring. All of the teachers just talked about was what supplies we would need to last us the school year- you know the normal stuff

2 notebooks


Simple stuff.

And then there was lunch. The most nastiest place on Earth. I thought the food was going to just jump up and eat my face off. Lucky for me my best friend Star always had sweets- she is in love with sweets- but is the best. She is a dork. And I mean that in the sweetest way possible. And I had other friends who bring chips to school like Jose, and Jennifer.

Josh had told me to come and sit with 3 of his friends -Martin, Javier, and Mike- I was so happy he said that because 1) there were no sets left and

2) because I like him and its the most wonderful felling in the world to sit by him. I just didn't want him to know I likes him yet.

Star throwed me a bag of sweets- man that girl is awsome. And then Jose and Jennifer gave me some chips - my friends are awsome. "If you plan on eating all that by yourself I will hate you forever."Josh said giving me the I'm-kidding-but-no-lie-give-me-some look and and so I just said " Here but, next time your going to have to beg."

And then Martin said "Josh I think she can beat your ass. so if I were you ill listen to her." then Martin gave him the I'm-not-lieing look. and all I could do is just blush.

Lunch time was over but I didn't know where my next class was. So I guess you could tell I was confused because Josh offered to help me and so I couldn't say no I really needed help I felt like a lost puppy. As me and Josh walked to class he said "Did you know I'm very mad at you?" even more confused I say "Why? What the Dragons did I do to you?" Then he blushed and said looking straight in to my eyes with his dark blue ones, " You never called me in the summer, that is why." And then I feel my blood run so hot to my checks that he starts to blush too and then starts laughing- omg he laughs like an angle from above- and then comes closer to me and says " You know I'm just playing with you, your the most gullible person on Earth." he is smiling now.

"You know I'm mad at you now." I say to him. And then he just hugs me to tight that I can't breath. "Josh. I. Can't. Breath!" and then he let me go and said "Ok let get to class then."


This chapter is deticated to star who is awsome and is my best friend.

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