Finding Out

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Chapter 4


I could remember just yesterday, I could not wait till the next day to come

and it has come! I think I can't breath right now. I'm so excited!

I couldn't wait because I, now I can see Angela, though it was the dense and opaque clouds that put me down. But at the same time it was good because I knew now that it was going to rain. I came to sit by Angela in English, and walked her to her next class. Something was wrong with Angela because all day her head has been down and she has not even looked up - I'm going to find out what in our free period.

I inhaled and exhaled and went to take a set next to Angela. Star sits infront of me and I know she doesn't like me. And with her finding out that I'm with Angela now she is going to pound my head off.

OMG she got out of her set.Omg she is walking over here. I'm so scared- I don't want to get punched! Then she looks at Angela and then looked at me and gave me the What-is-wrong-with-her look, and I gave her the I-dont-know-she-is-your-best-friend-fix-her. And then she punched me, oww! gosh that really hurted me!

"Gosh, star that hurted!" and then Angela looked up and asked "What happened?" I could see the hurt in her eyes, but why, "Never mind that your talking!" I said and then she looked down again and then I could have swearer that I saw her starting to cry. So the most surprised thing happened there was a fire in the class. I took Angela and Star and lead them out of the class and then escaped and said" Look everyone is distracted with the fire so come on let's ditch. Anyway we all need to talk." I say in a flat voice and then Angela speaks "I. Can't. Breath."

And then she collapses. I carry her to the nurse and then the darkness starts surrounding me and then I fall.

~~~~~~~~5 hours later~~~~~~~~

I wake up to see that I'm in a hospital but why I just fainted isn't that normal, you know because I was surrounded by smoke mabey it was more complicated then I thought. But when I look beside me their is a girl beside me, what that's Angela gosh I must me the worst boyfriend ever if I can't even recognize her. A nurse came in the room and said "Ah! Your up." then she came over and did some nurse-y stuff that I didn't under stand and said "Were u aware that you had lung cancer? You've had it for quite some time now, how-" I interrupted her and said "What! I have lung cancer, and I had it for 'quite some time' now and no one has told me." I was mad. "Your parents must have told you, you had it since you were 8." The nursed look very confused "Are my parents here? I would like to have a talk with them." I could tell she knew what I was talking about. And then my parents came in "I want to know why you didn't tell me I had lung cancer." I could hear my very stern. "My and your mother didn't want you to panic."

Then I got upset. "By hiding it from me, why would you-" I was cut off because Angela started to wake up.Gosh I forgot she was in here. I'm the worst boyfriend ever. Then she sat up and my parents and me just stared at her and then she spoke. "What happened? Why am I here? Can I please see a nurse?" Then to calm her down I said "Angela you passed out, when there was a fire in the class room I toke you and Star out and then you just passed out, I toke you to the nurse but then I passed out," I then turned to my parents "can you both get her a nurse and then one for me too please." when my parents were out of the room I started to ask Angela questions. "Are you ok? Do you remember-" I was cut of again but this time by a nurse. Oh good you two are up. how are you feeling you two? We thought we should put you two in the same room since you both have the same condition." what wait, same condition what does she mean? "What do you mean same condition?" then Angela says " Yeah, what are you talking about?" Then the nurse says ' You both have lung cancer and when you two were young both of you had-" then my parents came in and I think Angela's parents came in two Angela's dad came by me and said "Have I met you before?" then Angela saved me "You probably seem him in the hospital before because he has lug cancer to." then my dad said "No sweetie he is the boy who saved you when you were young but he got memory lost too."

The only thing that comes to mind is that what I didn't even know my past.

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