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Chapter 2


I wonder if Angela likes me? What if she doesn't like me? Ugh all I want right now is for this stupid class to end! I mean everyone all ready knows what to bring to school. I just hope it ends because I want to walk with Angela to her next class- I don't even know if I like her I just know every time I'm with her I feel like she is the only thing that can hold my soul from going to hell- gosh that sounds cheesy!

Great now I feel like I'm a little

chi-flick. Finally Mr. Bowl's class just finished.

Saved by the bell!

I got up out of my set and went and came by Angela, I hope she didn't notice I really wanted to walk with her and thankfully are next class is a free class. Mabey I will beg enough that she will let me walk her around our neighbor hood.

"Please, please, please, please, Angela! Let me please, I will do anything in the world!" I said pouring out my lip I think I look like a doff. "You look like a doff, you doff." she started to laugh omg I think I like her laugh.

OMG! I think I like Angela!

"I'll go if you just stop begging please your going to embarrass yourself and your already making me laugh so much my stomach hurts." she says it with giving me the I-think-we-should-go-before-roomers-starts look. And I take her by the hand and drag her out of the class room- people are staring at me oh well- omg I just realize I have my hand entwined with Angela's!

Right when me were out the door of the school, I turned to Angela and grabbed her other hand and said "I like you." ok I have no idea why I said that. Omg, why in the world did I tell her! Why is she laughing! OMG! Ugh, this is so embarrassing! And then she stopped laughing and then came closer- I could feel my cheeks getting really red- and then she whispered in my ear" I like you too." then she backed away 2 steps and said "Come on let's get out of here while we can before an adult comes."

We walked half way around the neighborhood in scilance until she broke the scilance and said "Josh, I don't think it's a good idea to like 2 people at the same time. I know you like Sofia." I could hear the sadness in her voice, and without thinking I was holding her in a hug.

And then told her " I only like you, I don't like her never did and never will, and how did you find that out?" she pulled away and was looking straight at me with the most beautiful eyes I have ever saw. And then the said "Right before lunch. Sofia told me to back off because you were hers and that I will never have a chance with you. And then she.... umm... said something else...." I could see that she didn't want to tell me because she started to walk again, so I pulled her back and then her face was so close to mine I think I'm going to pass out.

And told her "I love you, and just for her telling you that I now declare you my girlfriend." And then she started to laugh- god I love her laugh. And then she spoke "You know you have a funny way of asking girls out." and with that I leaned in and kissed her- Me Josh Andrews KISSED Angela!- and then u leaned to the side to deepen the kiss, and then I pulled her closer to me and then she broke apart.

Then are foreheads pressed together and I told her "You would have never say 'no'. "And after that I I heard her say " I think the free period is finish so if we stay there for long then my dad will see us and I really don't want to have to go to your funeral." I could feel my face getting hot by what she called me her 'boyfriend' god damm I feel so awsome now like I superman. And then she said "Don't over joy yourself Josh" and the she gave me a little kiss on the cheek and said "Good-bye."


This chapter is dedicated to my other BFF Diana/Crystal. For her boyfriend I finally met.

This was a really short chapter so sorry I tried to think like a guy but I suck at it

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