Meet the new girl.

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We were all sitting in the living room waiting for Louis to come back with his 'surprise'. Everyone was calm, except me. I was practically jumping off the walls. "When is he coming? He's taking too long! What if he lied and he ran away with an alpaca! I WANT AN ALPACA!" I shouted and laid down on the floor. "Great choice mate." Harry mumbled to Niall. "I heard that, Styles." I said pointing at him. The doorbell rang and I shot up. "I'LL GET IT!" I yelled running towards the door. I opened it and my eyes widened. "Hey, meet my cousin--" "Grace Kennedy." I interrupted Louis. I could recognize that black hair and blue eyes anywhere. Back in elementary school.


"B-but you can't move." I whimpered as Grace told me the bad news. "We're supposed to be best friends for ever and ever." I said frowning. "We'll still be friends! I promise!" She said and held out her pinky. "I pinky promise." She said with a wide smile on her face. She had braces that made her smile different. An adorable different. My frown turned into a smile and I giggled. "Pinky promise." I confirmed and our pinkies locked. We giggled and pretended we could fly until she had to go.

Since that day, I have never seen the presence of Grace Kennedy ever again. Until now of course. "Liv?" She asked softly. We tackled each other in a hug. "Uhm...hello? Hot Tomlinson standing in your existence." Louis said. I rolled my eyes. I dragged Grace inside, ignoring Louis and decided to introduce her. "Guys this is Grace! Grace this is Niall, Liam, Zayn, Harry, Brooke, Luke, Michael, Calum, Ashton, and the one and only Theo. Greg and Denise should be back soon." I said smiling. "I know them silly, but it's nice to meet you Brooke!" She said and Brooke gave her a hug. "What are you doing here?" I asked Grace. "Not that I don't want you here, but what's up?" I asked and she laughed. "That's what I have been trying to say, but this chick *cough* Liv *cough* wouldn't stop talking!" Louis said pushing between Grace and I. "This is my cousin Grace. She's here to visit since her mum has a job interview here. If her mum lands the interview she gets to stay!" Louis said and we all cheered. I could tell they all liked Grace. Even if they just met her.


"Wow. She's pretty."

"Why thank you!" Grace chirped. Holy crap, did I just say that out loud? "Yeah you kinda did." Michael teased nudging my side. I rolled my eyes and sank in my seat. "Awe! Does Calum have a crushy wushy?" Ashton teased. "Not cool dude. Not cool." I said glaring at him. "Aweeeee! He's growing up so fast!" Brooke joined in and ruffled my hair. "Oh no what have you done to the Irwin twin? She was on my side!" I joked and we all laughed it off. I have to get to know Grace. She's just......"Perfect." Ugh, I said the last part out loud.

"Mate, I know you think I'm perfect, but let's compliment Grace okay?" Luke teased and pinched my cheeks. Grace laughed and smiled at me. I started blushing and looked down.


Oh my gosh! Calum is way cuter in person! Truth is, I have a crush on him! The only person I told is Louis. Shocking I know, but he can sometimes keep a secret if it's really important....or you pay him. Whichever works first.


I know Grace's secret! I smirked to myself whenever she and Calum made eye contact or talked. I'm SO gonna set them up! She'll thank me when it happens.


That's it for this chapter!


What did you think?

Thanks to @misspixiesticks for the new character idea!


Thanks for the 1K and 5K and 32 reads on my stories!


You are all my queens/kings in the kingdom of this fanfiction!


Qotp: Who's your favorite character in the book?


Aotp: I think Robert. He's devious, mysterious, and he always comes up with a backup plan.


I may or may not make a third book ;)


Depends on how this story ends.


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~ Okay Bye! ~


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