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Read the note at the end for some news that I have, please. Thanks for the votes and reads.  Enjoy;)


I looked at Calum for what seemed like the 1000000th time. I couldn't help it, he's beautiful. His eyes, his hair, his lips, his smile, his voice, and just...him. I would kill to have a deep conversation with him, but it seemed like he didn't want to talk to me. I wonder why. I had a slight thought that he liked me. I guess I was wrong. 


"Brooke, we need to talk." I said sighing softly. She nodded and sat down next to me. "What's wrong babe?" She asked softly. "I-I...I'm breaking up with you." I spit out. She nodded. "Okay." She mumbled. "You don't hate me?" I asked. She sighed. "You've been very distance and you don't kiss me anymore. Plus, this started out as friendship and it stays a friendship Harry." Brooke said and smiled at me. I hugged her. "You're amazing. You deserve someone so much better." I said and she chuckled. "No dating for me. I need to watch over Liv. She's been acting weird lately. Well I need to meet up with someone. Bye Harry." She said and I nodded. I watched her walk out the door. We had a pretty good relationship, but I couldn't do that to her. Act like I felt something when I didn't. Hopefully, she finds someone much better and he won't hurt her.


I had nothing anymore. No friends, no popularity, no publicity, no partner, no father, and a horrible reputation. I sighed and sank in my bed. What did I do? Well, I ruined Liv's life, got my Dad arrested, and ruined things with one of the most perfect boyfriends ever (Nialler. Do you think he will take me back? What if he fixed things with Liv and made a move on her? I'm probably too late. "I'm such an idiot!" I shouted at the ceiling and started sobbing. I deserve this. I did nothing, but ruined everything for everyone who was nothing but nice to me. Suddenly, I got a call. "Hello? Abri? I need your help..."


Grace is so perfect! Why am I even avoiding her? First thing you do to get to know someone is by talking to them, but I did the opposite. I avoided and ignored her. I didn't mean to. I really didn't, but I couldn't help it. I'm head over heals for her and I would do anything to make her mine. She probably has a boyfriend. A beauty like her. Well, I might have already lost my chance.


I'm still not over Liv. I had to make her mine. Niall doesn't deserve her at all. He caused her to run away, get hurt, get hospitalized, and cry, but she still crawled back to him. She still chose to love him and move in with him. I'm starting to dislike her. All she is, is a desperate pathetic freak. Why did I like her in the first place? I was so wrong. If she doesn't date me, I'll make her life a living hell and I'll make sure everyone turns, but for this I need some evil help. I called the only person willing to do the job. "Hello? Abri? I need your help..."


I sighed as I walked through the streets. I'm completely lost and I don't know how to get back home. I went for a short walk and now I'm lost. I guess I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize where I had gone. I called Greg for the 10th time, but once again it went to voice mail. Liv wasn't home, so I hope Greg could pick me up. I gave up calling and tried walking back. Retracing my steps? It sounds like a good idea to me. 


Life is pretty normal now. I have my sister back and I have my freinds by my side. I'm worried about Liv though. What if Niall hurts her? What if she runs away again? What if I lose my sister for good? I can't lose her again. Not after the many many times I almost lost her. I have to keep her protected before she slips out of my hands and I lose her. Now that would be a nightmare. A nightmare that wouldn't have an end to it.


I saw Brooke leave Harry's room and she was frowning. I wonder what happened... "Brookie?" I said softly. She looked up with watery eyes and I opened my arms. She ran into my arms and I hugged her. "What happened?" I asked. "H-he bro-broke u-up wi-with m-me." Brooke cried into my chest. I huffed. Control your temper Ashton. Karma will get Harry back soon. 


"Niall? Where are you?" I asked walking through the house. 

He probably left. Who wouldn't? 

Ugh! You're back. Couldn't you leave me alone for once and not make me seem like a crazy person? Plus, Niall wouldn't do that to me. He promised. 

Aw, he promised? Bullshit, promises mean nothing. 

Promises do mean somethingProbably not to you since you're just a voice in my head. 

It's not my fault you created me. Freak. 


 You heard me. You created me. I never existed until you let me take over. Remember? The day of the beach. 

I-I couldn't have created you. No. 

Look at you, talking to yourself, like a crazy pathetic freak. 

Stop it!

Awe, is the princess getting her feelings hurt?


Face it. You're crazy.




Good, the voice is gone. I sighed with relief. 

Not for long Liv. Not for long. The pain is just about to begin.


Hey! xx


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm thinking about my story. It's not really as good as I want it to be and I might end the book soon or I might delete. I don't know yet. Tell me what you think.


Favorite Character? ;)


Until next time! Goodbye my loves! Comment, Vote, and Follow. Please check out my other stories if you are interested.

*Falling For Him (Larry+Ziam)

*Do It Like A Dude (Barbara Palvin+One Direction)


Bye! <3

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