Chapter 3

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Short Chap :(

By then, it was..... Lets just go ahead and say it. A full out makeout.

But who cares????

All was gucci when low and behold, my brother walks into the apartment. Didn't even bother to just warn us he was there. He just stood there leaning on the wall until we finished.

"You two gonna swallow each others tongues or something?"

"Brian! Oh my gosh what are you doing here?!? I thought you were with ally!"

"Nah came home. Hey jack."

"Hey." he looked at me like this is awkward.

Yep i thought.

Brian just rolled his eyes and left the apartment. I was a bright red after and Jack just burst out laughing.

"Shut up!" I threw a pillow at him. "It's not funny it's embarrassing!!!!!!"

"Yeah I know. But it sure was funny to watch!"

"No it isn't!"
"No you're right. You're right. Now come on."

"Where are we going?"
"To the best place on earth."

I thought he meant Chipotle, but nope. It was an awesome house in Beverly Hills.

"Welcome to the Why Don't We house."
I had the feeling I was going to get ambushed once I stepped foot through the door.

I was wrong.

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