Chapter 11

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Okay okay, so like two months later, stuff started to get serious between me and mikey. Very serious.
I went to a party one night at Mikey's house, and it started to get crazy. People were drinking, and doing crazy shit. I Had a few drinks myself, which got me a bit more than tipsy, but not enough to get me drunk. I couldn't see straight and my vision was blurred. Mikey had dragged me into the bedroom. Now note you, this was all absent minded, and I was sorta drunk. Nothing seemed right, but it did at the same time. Nothing stopped us from doing.... "It." I kept begging him to stop and to not touch me like he was, but he wouldn't listen to me at all and little did I know the results would not be like I wanted.

Three weeks later I felt sick to my stomach. No fever, no cold, no runny nose, nothing. And then I had to throw up

Honestly like kill me now, this sucks so much.

Mikey heard me in the bathroom and came to hold back my hair.

"You okay baby???"
"I'm puking my guts out, what do you think?"

"True. Do you feel sick?"

"No. Not at all."

"Maybe you should go back to bed. I'll take care of you. I promise."

"Thanks Mikey." I smiled at him and he made me get back into pajamas.

"Fluffy pants. You need to stay warm. You could be catching something."

"Okay okay!"
I put my fluffy pj pants on and I was looking for a t-shirt. I pulled one out from my drawer. It was Jack's Nirvana shirt. I never gave it back to him. And It may sound creepy but It still smelled like Jack. I put it on and layed back down. I grabbed my phone and went on snapchat.
"Nuh uh uh. No phone and no tv. You need to sleep." Mikey grabbed my phone from me along with my remotes and my laptop and tablet.

"Miiikkeeeeey." I groaned


"Ugh." I guess I slept and then I got woken up by my bff Scyler.

"Skyyyyyy I was in the middle of a good dream!"

"Wake up sleepy sick girl."
"Where's mikey?"

'At work remember? He has a job Bri."
"Right. I guess I forgot."

"So you threw up, but you don't feel sick and you don't have a fever?"

"Here." She tossed me something..

"A... Pregnancy test?"
"Yep. from everything i've learned, this could maybe be you being preggers. You and Mikey banged at that party. I heard. And Y'all were drunk so I bet you didn't use protection."


"Go go. I have work in like ten minutes. I brought ice cream, candy, chips, and movies. You get positive you'll probably cry so i brought your comfort food. Now go pee on the stick!"

I did, and she left before i could tell her the results.

The results?


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