Chapter 7

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I told him to not wait up for me and just go to the car and I'd meet them there. They left, and I picked up my phone.

"What jack?" I sorta snapped

"Okay before you hang up just listen. I know for a fact you probably hate my guts right now."

"I do."

"But you told me to call when I found a solution, so that's what I'm doing."

"OKay... what did you have in mind then?" I said impatiently

"I don't want to break up with you Brielle. So, I propose, that we do that one kind of relationship. The Kind that's open to others. Ya know?"

"OKaaay? So you're basically saying that we'd date someone else, while still dating each other?"

"Well I guess that's our best bet then. And we'll only call or text each other if it's an emergency. Got it?"
"Yeah. Thank you so much Bri."

He sounded happy, relieved, heartbroken, and guilty, all at the same time. It was confusing, yet so understandable at the same time.

"I'm still gonna hang out at the house though, you know that right?" I told him

"Yeah i know."

"I love all you guys equally. And Jack, I'll always, ALWAYS, have a special place for you in my heart. You know that right?" I asked

"Of course I do Mon Amour."

I stifled a laugh and said goodbye and hung up.I walked to Logan's car and we went back to the WDW house.

"Thank you guys so much. That really cheered me up." I told them

They all just gave me a big hug. And then jack came home.

It was awkward at first, so i decided to go home. As I went to leave, Jonah came up to me.

"Hey Bri!"

"Yeah jo?"

"Ou sure you wanna be alone in your apartment?"

"What do you mean? I've been alone before."

"Just wondering. Ya know, considering the... circumstances. I just wanted to know if you wanted some company for a bit?"
I laughed.

"Sure Jonah."

He drove us back to my apartment. I kept insisting that i didn't need him to stay overnight, but he just kept saying no.

"Alright fine. You can stay but don't you dare try-"
"Yeah yeah yeah Bri. I know." he just rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"Lets watch a movie." he suggested.

"Okay gimme a minute. Just go ahead and look at them." I motioned to the cabinet of dvds.

"Gotcha!" He exclaimed and I went into my room and changed into pajamas since it was late and i was in jeans.
A few minutes later i came out of my room and saw that he had chose Divergent and was currently making popcorn. I snuck up behind him and scared the shit out of him.

"GAH! GOSH DON'T DO THAT!!" I was on the floor doubled over in laughter.

"Brielle Maya Damien" he said sternly. Clearly pissed off.

"Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich." I said back

He turned and threw popcorn at me.

"You're cleaning that up." I said to him

"Later...." He complained

"Ugh. Help me up I'm so lazy!" I groaned

He laughed and picked me up with me yelling because i asked him to help me up not carry me.
"Jooooonah!!! Put me DOWN!"

He laid me down on the couch, and he sat down next to me.

"You suuuck!" I groaned

"You swallow" He retorted, which resulted in me hitting him in the chest.

"Well ouch that hurt." he said quoting daniel.

"Good." I said satisfied "Now put the movie on."

And he did.

Now I fucking love divergent, but halfway through the movie, my eyes decided that they weren't gonna stay open anymore. So I ended up falling asleep. And I was upset cuz I haven't watched the movie for a while. I was in that groggy phase of sleep where I was going between awake and asleep. Absentmindedly, put my head on Jonah's chest and wrapped my arms around him, thinking it was Jack because I was so tired I really had no state of mind.

Now I have no clue if Jonah had left after I fell asleep, and I thought he left, but came to find out, that he made us breakfast. Which, in my opinion, is super fucking sweet..

"Aww Jo!" I cooed.

He just laughed and said, " I hope you like eggs bacon and sausage."
"You know I do." We both burst out in laughter because we knew that we had made a joke.

"What about the grits? Because ya know, eggs bacon grits sausage."

"No. just no." He groaned. I loved to annoy them with that. Zach and Daniel and Corbyn and I all did it to annoy him. I laughed and sat down. He placed a plate of food in front of me.

"Thanks jo." I said

"No problem Bri. Ya know, we basically live off of ramen, goldfish, spaghettios and pizza at the house." I laughed.

"You guys don't know how to cook?" I giggled

"Not really. It really depends. Those and Jimmy johns and chipotle ."

"Gross! I hate Chipotle Jonah!"

"You're crazy!"

"No, you guys are."
"Brielle, how are we friends?"

"Because I'm awesome?" I questioned

"Yeah... yeah. You are."

We spent the rest of breakfast eating, joking around, and Jonah was trying to get me to blush from random compliments.

"It's not gonna happen. I don't blush."
"Mmhmm. Suuurrreeee." He HOnestly thought he could. HA!
Five minutes later, He got a phone call from one of his managers so he had to go back to the house.

"Aaaand I'm bored."

So I Got dressed, and went out on hollywood boulevard and went to get a smoothie.

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