[author's note]

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Hello, thank you so much for reading this story! I'm literally so excited to write this message and I know it's a long time coming but I just wanted to thank everyone for the reads, votes and comments. It's so amazing. Your support has meant that this story has won a Watty Award, which is also amazing!

This message used to be an apology because I originally wanted to carry the story on but in the end, I scrapped it because I was writing it for the reads instead of the enjoyment. I've had loads of questions about what happens after the epilogue:

So, I've named Paige's daughter Hope (even though she doesn't feature in the book) and I was going to have her search for Will and Paige when she turned 18. I like to think that she brings her parents back together and the rest of the gang.  

I know I've already said this but THANK YOU! You're awesome.

Gangs and RosesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora