Chapter 8

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Mia locked the salon and we got in the limo. The paparazzi were still there and going crazy. We got in the limo and then drove off to the venue. Everyone was on their phones and I checked mine. I had a text from Dez.

(D: Dez R: Rose)

D- What's the address of the venue?

R- I bet that you can find Central Park just tell the person there the name.

D- What's the name?

R-  Weller of course and we're almost there just stuck in traffic

D- Ok I love you❤️❤️

R- I love you too💚💚

"Who are you talking to?" Sylvia asked me.

"You know who." I said.

"You guys aren't supposed to!" Ramona pointed out.

"No! We just can't see each other!" I said.

"Well we're saying you guys can't talk to each other either." Everest said.

"But-" I started but was cut off by the looks that I received from everyone in the car.

"Fine!" I said giving in. I closed out of everything that was open ignoring the text from Mack.

"Hand it over. You need to get away from social media too." Iris said. I gave my phone to Briar her being one of the only ones I trusted with it. The car stopped and the door opened in front of the park. We had beat the paparazzi so we would get ready then stage an entrance with all of us dressed and wedding ready.

We rented the entire park since the mayor's daughter "Loves loves LOVES 5SOS" so much that we offered to take her on tour as a babysitter for the boys and baby/babies in exchange for the park. Plus she's about my age so maybe since Luke is only one without a girlfriend, I can do some matchmaking. It would also be good publicity for the mayor. Plus his daughter can sing and play about as many instruments as I can.

We walked to the tent that was set up for us to change in. I hugged my Mom's and then was led to a vanity chair. "Let's get you ready to become Mrs. Weller!"


"Why the fuck is he here?!" I asked everyone in the tent. I got a text from the one and only Mack Adams who is in New York.

"Calm down dude. He's probably just in town for a game." Niles told me. He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. Mack was a professional basketball player and was the first new recruit for the Utah Jazz. Rose's favorite professional basketball team.

"I swear if I see his face at the wedding..." I said through clenched teeth.

I held Rose to my chest as she cried. She could probably tell what I was thinking while waiting for her to calm down because of what she said next.

"Mack isn't worth it. Just leave him alone and he'll go away." She told me. I thought about it and what I could do to him.

"I won't do anything as long as he leaves you alone." I said.

"Good enough for me." She said. We fell asleep in each other's arms that night and every night after until she left.

I kept my promise to her, but if he causes any trouble at the wedding. Then the boys won't be able to hold me back.

"Make sure he's seated in the back. Out of sight." I said.

"I'll check the seating arrangement with Indi and then get back to you. Don't worry dude, Rose loves you no matter what." Baxter said and walked out of the tent.

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