Chapter 12

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Tony handed me a paper towel to wipe my stomach off with while him and Bruce turned everything off and started to pick up.

"Computer, do a scan again." Tony said.

"Right away sir." She said. I saw a light blue ray light up the room and saw a shadow in the corner. I looked at Dez and had him hand me my gun that had been hidden in this room.

Just because I'm in a band doesn't mean that I don't have a second job.

I started out as a secret agent for the FBI I knew everything and was on the same level as the previous classified agents that I became friends with. We were all a team named The Avengers after the comic book team. I was assigned to protect the boys and I have. They just discovered one of my hidden talents. It started out as a competition that I won (with a little tampering) then they loved me so much that I ended up being a member.

We slowly walked over to the shadow with me, and Dez having our guns ready. Tony had one hand with a blaster at the ready. Bruce just tried to not freak out.

"Good to see your instincts are still intact after spending so much time with those boys." The commander said coming out.

"How much do you know?" Dez asked still slightly on edge.

"I know that we're all going to have to go under the radar. We'll have to stage our deaths, all except for you Rose." He said. We put all of our weapons away but still stayed alert.

"I'm not going to be able to hide the fact that I'm having triplets. At least not for much longer. What am I going to do?" I asked.

"You're going to write the songs and the boys are going to sing them." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. His watch beeped and he looked down at it.

"That's my cue to leave. Congratulations to the newly weds. Smyth, I will set up a meeting to talk everything over with you. Dr. Brady, take care of one of my best agents." He said then walked out.

"So?" My mom asked when we walked out.

"Computer, secure the room again." Tony said.

"Room secure." Came the robotic voice.

"Triplets." I said as I held up the sonogram picture. Cheers came from everyone in the room.

"So when you coming back to work?" Steve asked.

"Oh I don't know. Probably soon, I miss having to put up with you guys." I said sarcastically. Everyone laughed besides the 4 boys that had become like my brothers.

"Wait, you know Steve Smyth?" Luke asked.

"Oh yeah, remember when I told you guys that this was supposed to be temporary?" I asked them while walking over to the couch. They nodded their heads yes and we all found a seat.

"Well get comfortable." I said.

"You wanted to see me commander?" I asked while walking into the commander's office.

"Yes Agent, I have a special assignment for you." He said turning towards me. He invited me to sit down in front of his desk as he sat down.

"Do you know these boys?" He asked bring up a picture of Ashton, Calum, Michael, and Luke.

"Yes sir I do, how much danger are they in?" I asked.

"Much, I'm assigning you and Agent Weller to this case. I know how fond you two have become of each other. There have been threats made and some tried and these boys are important to us." He said. He handed me a folder and dismissed me not giving me any time to ask questions.

"I'll spare you guys the rest of the story since you get the gist of it." I said.

"So we were an assignment?" Michael asked kind of hurt.

"To begin with, once we were no longer needed, I decided to stay because that was when I was offered to join the band." I said.

"I stayed because she stayed." Liam said.

"But you can't have her anymore. She's ours!" Clint said.

"Nope, we're keeping her. She's out forever!" Ashton said. The different teams started arguing and I leaned into Dez. 

"We'll see how this ends." I said. After the fight had been stopped and no winner was decided, we lounged around with the Avengers until there was about an hour before the reception was supposed to start.

"Come on, let's go get you dressed again." Nat said. All of the girls lead me away to my room and the boys took Dez to one of the extra rooms. 

"Let's do the second dress." I said.


"Mr. and Mrs. Weller!" The DJ yelled then we walked through the doors to the dance hall. Little did I know, tragedy would follow.

Shots rang out through the hall. I watched as the red stained the dress and Dez's tux.

Silence followed it. I woke up to see my grandparents waiting.

"It's good to see a familiar face."

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