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A week later I'm at the airport picking up Keri. Daniel is already gone for tour. Hes been calling after every show. He is trying so hard to keep in good contact while on tour. He's just so busy. I look up and see Keri walking towards me.

"hey Keri!"

"Hey Lydie!"

She pulled me into a hug.

"And hello baby seavey." She said patting my stomach I just giggled.

"Well Let's go to my appointment."

15 minutes later we were waiting for my doctor to come in the room.

"Hello Ms. Samuels I'm Dr. English how are we this afternoon?"

"Good and you?"

"Wonderful. How far along are you?"

"Your nurse said about a 2 months now"

"Alright still early. we gotta be careful until you are 12-14 weeks pregnant this is what we call the danger zone. Its basically from the moment you get pregnant till your 14 weeks pregnant you have a higher chance of losing the baby.(a/n Facts!) Now lets get a sonogram." 


Dr. English put the gel on my stomach then pointed at the screen. 

"OK so you see this little blip right here?"


"That is baby Samuels."


"Excuse me?" 

"the baby will have his fathers last name. Seavey."

"Oh my apologizes. wait this might be odd but Daniel Seavey?"

"Yes Daniel Seavey."

"From American Idol?"

"Yupp. Now in Why Don't We."

"Oh my goodness he was my favorite I was so sad when he was voted off."

Right as she said this my phone started ringing. It was a FaceTime call from Daniel. I answered it.

"Baby guess what?" I said

"What babe?"

"My doctor is a fan of yours she loved you on Idol."


I turned the phone towards Doctor English.

"Hi Daniel." She said and waved

"Hi doc! Can I see my baby?"

"Baby baby or Ms. Samuels here?"

"Baby baby."

She takes my phone and faces it towards he side of the screen and explains everything to Daniel. He is in complete awe. 

"Baby." He said softly.


"That little blip is our baby."

"I know!"

"I love you so much."

"I love you to."

Later on Daniel posted a picture I sent him of the sonogram on twitter with the caption

@DanielSeavey: Hey guys! I got awesome news! Im gonna be a dad!! @LydiaTay is pregnant!! This is wonderful. I'm so excited.I hope you guys are happy for me!

Once Keri and I left the doctors office and got back to my apartment.


"Yes Keri?" I said motioning for her to sit on the couch

"I have something for you but it will be upsetting."


Keri handed me a letter with my name on it.

"Go ahead. Read it."

It read:


My sweet Lydia. I am so sorry for the way I acted. I understand why you don't want me apart of your Childs life. I was never the best mother and I am also sorry for that to. You will be an amazing mother. I will stay out of the way and I want you to know that no matter what I will always love you and I will always love that baby of yours. Down below this is a message for Daniel as well. I love you baby.



I know you heard what I said to Lydia and I'm so sorry for what I said to her. Daniel my dear boy please take care of my Lydie and your baby. I regret everything I said and I understand why you guys don't want me around. I will be gone, but if you guys ever need anything please call me. I know Lydia won't listen to that part thats why I wrote it to you. At least please invite me to the wedding. I just want to see the ceremony I promise I will leave after. I know you haven't proposed yet but I know you Daniel James your going to. I love you Danny Boy and Im so sorry. 


"what the hell?!"

"What honey?" Keri said

"It's an apology letter. Does she really think this is going to make up for what she did?!"

"Honey calm down."

"But Keri this isn't fair!"

"I know baby. But look in 7 months you'll have a beautiful baby to worry about and you won't have to worry about your sorry excuse for a month."


"What its true"

"Yeah I know I just never expected you to say it."

We laughed the rest of the night and looked at baby books and name books. I've got a few names in mind that I gotta run by Daniel. My own little Seavey. this is gonna be a wild ride.

My Daniel ❤️Where stories live. Discover now