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5 years later! 

"Now baby go in there and make some friend." I said to Tianna

"But mom I dont wanna go!" Tiana whined.

"Princess you have to." Daniel said


"Because listen your daddy and I were best friends before we got together. We grew up together. Maybe you'll find your best friend forever in here to."

"UGH!" Tiana said

"Hey Drop the attitude missy." Daniel said

"Yes dad."

Tiana finally walks into school and Daniel and I leave. We start driving and we end up outside of the court house.

"Dani what are we doing here?" I said

"I'm so damn tired of being your boyfriend!" Daniel almost yells.

"W-what?" I said chocking back a sob.

"I want to be your husband." Daniel said holding a ring.



"Yes of course baby."

"Then lets go get married. right here at the court house."


"I know you want to have a big wedding and we will later but I can't stand to not be married to you any longer."

"Ok baby lets go."

Daniel and I go into the court house and speak to the justice of the peace and we say our vows and get married. 

@LydiaTay changed her name to @LydiaSeavey

@LydiaSeavey changed her bio: Lydia Seavey Married to @SeaveyDaniel

@LydiaSeavey:Today was the happiest day of my life. I got to marry my best friend after dropping our daughter off at school. @SeaveyDaniel and I did it simple and just went to the courthouse. I really do not care. I'm married to my best friend and the love of my life. If it weren't for Daniel I dont know how I would have survived high school. Even after he left I dont know how I survived. Daniel James Seavey I love you with all my heart and soul. 

"Baby your so sweet." Daniel said coming into the room scaring the crap out of me. 

"Dont do that dani."

"Sorry baby. So I wanna talk to you about something."


"I wanna have another baby."

"You do?"

"Yeah. Can we?"

"Well I dont know Daniel."

"Baby why not? Come on."

"Because we will have 2 more little rugrats running around in about 7 months."

I hand Daniel a Sonogram and A pregnancy test.

"Wait your pregnant again and with TWINS!"

"Yes baby."

"Awe Lydia. Do you know what My favorite job is?"

"No what?"

"Being a daddy. I love our kids so much I wouldn't give up being a dad for anything."

"I love you more then anything on this planet."

Within that year we had Tiana Lynne Seavey. Dominic James Seavey and Demetria Keri Seavey. Our life was perfect. I had the perfect life with Daniel. Gosh who would have thought that I would have married Daniel. Well Keri knew, but all of our old friends in school definitely didn't expect it. Then out of no where I get a text from someone I didn't expect.....Julie."

Julie: Hey Lydia Um I know we haven't talked in a while and I really hope this is still your number. I just wanted to say I just heard about you and Daniel getting married and you having 3 beautiful babies together. I hear Zach is also engaged to Haley. Thats great for him. I just got out of the hospital. I was put in for attempting suicide again. My mom put me in there 'for my own good' Anyways congratulations and Im so happy for you. If this is not Lydia please ignore this message and I'm sorry.

Lydia: Hey Julie yeah its still my number. Thank you for your kind words. We are all doing great all the boys and Zach. Haley is an amazing girl. Zach is very lucky. I'm so sorry you got put in a hospital like that I do hope you are better now. Please stay better and Don't try again. We need the old Julie back the one I was best friends with. Maybe Zach could forgive that Julie and be friends with you.

Julie: Id really like that. If I email you a letter for Zach would you forward it to him without reading it?

Lydia: yes. a real email address)  

Dear Zach,

I know im the last person you want to hear from but please read this letter then you can go back to hating me. Ok here it goes, Zachary you are an amazing person and Im so sorry I hurt you in the past. It turns out ive been sick for a long time and didn't realize it. I was hallucinating things then making mistakes due to those hallucinations. I've since been put in the hospital and I just recently got out. I read somewhere that one way to help move passed the regret that you feel because of this is to apologize and mean it to the people you've wrong due to this. Zach you were so good to me and I cheated on you. I'm so sorry for everything I know you'll probably say no but id really like to just be friends with you and Lydia again. She says that your fiancé is amazing. Im so happy for you. Email me or text me any time Zachy. 




Dear Julie,

I forgave you long ago. I dont know if I can be your friend but I can definitely try. Im so sorry you went through this disorder but I am glad that your ok. This doesn't make up for what you did but im glad you found the help you need. Haley is amazing. She is the girl that answered Lydias post on instagram the day you and I broke up. Any way I can't type anymore im very tired. But feel free to email me whenever. Im glad your ok Jules. Stay safe dear.





I feel like I lost the story line in this then couldnt get it back I really do hope you enjoyed it though!!! 

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