#1: part 3

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-The last day-

Nic's mood is heavy and somber as he makes his way to the airport in a city nearby. I know he's thinking of Annie.

It's late at night, but the airport is still crowded. So many people bustling around in their own little bubbles, crossing paths with strangers for the last time. An old man hobbles over to the baggage claim to collect a tiny suitcase, smiling to himself as he mumbles on a phone. A young couple sits together at a lunch counter, talking quietly. Two girls embrace near the baggage claim, laughing happily and smiling. A middle-aged official-looking man in a dark suit stalks across the room, head bent over as though he doesn't want anything to do with the people around him.

"Where are you all going?" Nic mutters distractedly to himself. "And why do I care?"

Yes, why now of all times? Why couldn't it have been in the 25 years you spent pitying yourself?
But I suppose no one's perfect.

"Excuse me," rumbles a deep voice from behind him.

Nic turns around to see a tall, pale man standing uncomfortably, as if he's never figured out how people normally act. Even squinting, Nic can barely see the man's face. He is hazy and otherworldly.

"Can I help you?" Nic asks.

"Quite the opposite, really. I just needed to tell you something; you can't fix all your mistakes with a letter and an apology. Some broken things can't be fixed."

Nic gapes at the man. "What- what did you just say?"

The man smiles- or, at least Nic thinks he did. It's hard to tell. "I believe you heard me the first time," he replies. Then he turns on a heel and disappears into the crowded terminal.

I really hate that guy.

Nic shakes his head. He knows what the man said is important, but he can't seem to remember what it was. "I guess I'm going crazy," he mutters to himself. Then he turns to watch the strangers again.

The man in the suit walks back and forth impatiently, nervous eyes darting from one end of the terminal to the other. Nic's eyes follow him out of curiosity, wondering why he seems so jumpy.

Finally, the man stops walking and stands still in the center of the terminal. He mutters something to himself, and a strange smile creeps across his face. Then the man does something Nic never would've expected; he calmly draws a gun from the inside of his suit and fires into the ceiling.

It scared me half to death, too. Even though I'm Life and I can't actually die. But I guess I should've known that would happen. After all, I know everything, right?

People all over the crowded terminal react immediately; screaming, running for the doors, and desperately trying to find places to hide. A little girl darts past Nic, wailing at the top of her lungs for parents she will probably never see again. A few more shots ring out, but Nic barely hears them. Out of the corner of his eye he sees a little boy, not more than 10 years old, walking up to the shooter. Nic doesn't care. He stands still, not moving, and stares at the middle-aged man, whose cold eyes and cruel smile lock in on Nic immediately.

"No," Nic whispers as he realizes what will happen. "Annie."

The shooter only smiles that odd smile and raises the gun, pointing it at Nic.

I'm sure you can guess what happens next.

He hears the shot before he feels it, and when he does, he can't believe he's been shot at all. People near him, hiding on the floor or under tables, immediately scoot away, afraid the man will spot them too. Although, to be fair, Nic hadn't exactly been trying to hide.

The killer turns away and raises the gun again. Nic crumples to the floor and lies there, eyes wide with shock; never blinking and never closing.

Nic Ghenya, 52. Died for the mistakes he tried to fix.


Yay, I finished the first story! Only six more to go. I hope you liked this one. If you did, please consider voting and/or commenting. Thanks for reading.

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