#5: part 4

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-Thank you to Rainbow_Star20045   because even though we're complete strangers and you have absolutely no reason to be nice to me, you've read and supported every single chapter of every book I have. You're the sweetest person ever and I honestly don't deserve this kind of support. Thanks so much!-

Tegan stays in her car for a long time after Jack leaves. Just sitting and staring out the window at the snow, not really thinking but just floating in a dreamlike haze.

Am I being unfaithful? she asks herself. After all, I was the one who left Dominic all those years ago. I've been loyal all this time, I've waited and waited. Is it time for me to move on?

Oh, Lord. Humans and their silly minds.

She closes her eyes and does something she hasn't done for a very long time. She prays.

"Dear Lord." The words sound frail and cracked coming from her mouth. How did she used to do this? "I'm trying to believe in you, I really am, but sometimes I wonder if you're even out there. Why would you do this to your children? Why would you leave us like this, to suffer alone?"

She curses aloud. This isn't how it was supposed to to. Although, if He does exist, she supposes He would want her to be truthful.

She starts again. "All I'm asking for is a sign. That I'm doing the right thing, that Jack is who I'm supposed to be with, that I was right to leave Dom. That all this suffering was worth it." A tear drips down her cheek. "I want to know that I was right to not end it all years ago.

"I know you're probably busy and don't have time for someone like me. But I would appreciate it a lot if you would give me a reason to have faith. Amen."

She holds her breath for a moment, keeping completely still. She knows it's silly, but maybe, just maybe...

Her phone rings and her heart lights up. Who could it be? The number on the screen doesn't register in her mind, but she answers anyway.


"Is this Tegan Crane?" The voice on the other end is low and husky. She's heard it somewhere, she knows, but where?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

There's a pause at the other end. "It's Dominic."

"No," she whispers to herself. "Not him. Anyone but him. Oh, God, why are you doing this to me?"

"...Hello? Is anyone there?"

Tegan remains mute, terrified. But of what? He's nothing to fear. This is the moment she's longed for, waited for, for years and years. So why is she so afraid of the voice on the other end?

He sounds older. Sadder. Maybe he's changed, she thinks. Why else would he call?

"Is anyone there?" He sounds anxious now. She knows she needs to answer.

"Dom? Is it really you?"

He sighs with relief. "Yeah. It is."

"How did you get my number?"

"That doesn't matter. Listen, Tegan, I made a mistake. I never should've forced my ideas on you. I never should've left you to deal with everything on your own. I was wrong, and I'm sorry."

Sure you are.

"All I want is another chance. I believe in us, Tegan. I swear I won't make the same mistakes I did before."

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