Chapter 19

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I was woken up by the sound of my cell phone ringing, I grabbed my phone not willing to open my eyes and hit answer.


“Hello, is this Rose Fairway?” The person on the opposite line had a deep American accent, it was very unfamiliar to me.

“Yes, may I ask who is calling?”

“I’m Nick from International Records, I was wondering if you could come by sometime and we could chat about your singing?”  My eyes snapped open and my jaw hung low, how did he know about my singing? International Records is all the way back at home. I realized I hadn't said anything for at least two minutes.

“Oh... umm… well right now I’m on tour with the boys, One Direction, but I could when I get back in a few months. That is if the offer will still be open?”

“Of course, take your time! Just update me, ya know!”

“I sure will! Thanks Nick!”

“You’re welcome, bye Rose.” The line went dead, I sat there for a minute gapping at the phone. Did that really just happen? No, it couldn't have, I'm dreaming! I pinched myself on my arm, nope definatly not dreaming, but it felt like a dream. A DREAM COME TRUE! I jumped up and started dancing around the room. I ran over to Harry and jumped on him.

“WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” I screamed in his ear, his eyes shot open and he stared at me, obviously confused.

“Why are you waking me up so early?” You could tell he was tired by his voice.



"Ugh! Ok, so SOME GUY NAMED NICK CALLED ME AND WANTED TO TALK ABOUT SIGNING ME ON A CONTRACT FOR INTERNATIONAL RECORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” His mouth hung open, he pulled me down so I was now laying on top of him. 

“That’s great babe! Just promise me if you do, do it, you won’t forget about me?”

“How could I forget about you?” I giggled and bent down to kiss him, everything was perfect. I had the best boyfriend ever, going to be a singer, hanging on tour with the guys and my best friends. I couldn’t think of anything better than this.


“Why were you screaming this morning?” Louis asked me wiggling his eyebrows. I gasped and hit him playfully on the arm.

“For your information I got a call from a record company.” Everybody turned to me, I was sitting on Harry’s lap playing with his curls like what I just said was no big deal. Even though it was a HUGE deal!

“No way! That’s amazing!” Eleanor ran over to me and engulfed me in a hug, I hugged her back and she bounced back over to Louis and sat on his lap. I jumped off of Harry; everybody was still shocked except for El, Harry and I. I decided to play a game of duck, duck, goose; I danced around the room patting everybody’s head saying duck, until I landed on Harry’s head.

“Goose!” I giggled and started to run, Harry quickly got up and ran after me. He grabbed me by my waist.

“What’s my prize?” I giggled and gave him a kiss on the lips. We ran back hand in hand to the group, most people had just got out of shock.

“So… what are we going to do to-…” I was cut off by my phone, I grabbed it and held it up to my ear. “Hello?”

“Hi, is this Rose Farway?”

“Yes this is her, my I ask who is calling?”

“I’m Nathan, Nathan Farway.”

~A/N~ Cliffhangers.... GOTTA LOVE 'EM! Ok so, this is probably going to be the last update for today, I'm really sorry. Tomorrow I might not be able to until late, but I will definatly on Saturday! I'll do a HUGE update! On Sunday, I probably won't be able to do any udpdates, becuase I'm going to get my new puppy!!!!!! It's a Bulldog! Ahhh I'm so excited! Well now I have to go babysit some kids until like 12 o'clock tonight! Thanks for reading! Don't forget,




Love ya muffins xx <3

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