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~11 later~

“Daddy!” Allison giggles as Harry tickled her. That’s my daughter, Allison; she is now ten years old. I also have another son and daughter that are twins. Their names are Alec and Abbey, they are both five.

Today is Allison’s eleventh birthday! It feels like just yesterday I gave birth to Allison.


“It’s a girl.” Harry said as he wrapped his arms around our beloved new born daughter.

“Ya.” I said a tear streaming down my cheek.

“Baby, don’t cry. What should we name her?”

“Allison.” I whisper, while looking at my adorable little daughter.

“Allison Dawn Styles.” Harry says a tear streaming down his face. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled at our beautiful daughter.

“She is ours.”

“Ours forever.” Harry hands me our daughter and gets down on one knee. He reaches into his pocket and out comes a velvet box. He opens it and inside is a beautiful diamond ring. “Rose, will you marry me?” A tear streams down my face as I nod yes. He slowly slips on the ring and kisses me.

“Nawww!” Everybody says as they walk in. Niall, Zayn, Liam, Louis, Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie and Emmie walk in and gather around the room.

“Everybody this is Allison.” Harry says and gently takes the baby out of my hands.

“Can I hold her?” Eleanor whispers and Harry hands her the baby. Everybody gets their turn to hold the baby and soon she is back to me.

“This is my baby.” I say tears streaming down my face.

“This is our baby.” Harry says wrapping his arms around me and the baby.

~End of flashback~


~First off all the boys are married~

 ~Danielle + Liam~ (have a boy named Bec)

 ~Eleanor + Louis~ (have a girl named Allie)

 ~Perrie + Zayn~

 ~Emmie + Niall~




“Looks like everyone is here.” I say opening the door letting everybody in.

“Where should we put the presents?” Danielle asks.

“Right over there!” I say pointing towards the kitchen table.

“Auntie!” Allison screams running toward Eleanor.

“What about us?” Louis says faking hurt and motioning towards the rest of them. Allison giggles and hugs everybody.

“Where are Alec and Abbey?” Bec asks.

“In the toy room.” Harry states motioning towards the room. Bec and Allie run to the toy room and we hear tons of screaming. I giggled and Harry wrapped his arm around me.

“Can I open presents now?” Allison asks jumping up and down.

“Yup! Let’s go.” Harry says motioning towards the kitchen.

Bec, Allie, Abbey and Alec all run into the room as Allison starts to open her first present.

“A PHONE!” Allison screams and runs up to Louis and Eleanor giving them a hug. Zayn chuckles and ruffles her hair. Eleanor gives Louis a look along with Allison and fixes Allison’s hair. She walks back over to the presents and opens her next present.

“No way…” Allison says while she holds up V.I.P tickets and backstage passes to her favorite bands concert. “I LOVE YOU GUYS!” She yells as she runs over to Zayn and Perrie giving them a huge hug. They chuckle as she skips back to her present and begins opening Liam and Dainelle’s present.

“What’s this?” She says holding up a piece of paper.

“Read it out loud.” Danielle says.

“’Dear Allison,

We are happy to inform you that you have got the lead part in our movie. Your audition was excellent! Taping starts February 7th. Can’t wait to see you there!’ H-how d-did you g-guys d-do t-this?”

“When you were at my studio acting with the manager we got it taped and sent it in.” Danielle exclaims.

“THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER!” She screams as she runs up and tackles them in a hug. I giggle and kiss’s my cheek. She runs back to her presents and opens Niall and Emmie’s present.

“How did you guys get this? They have been sold out for months!” Allison says admiring her new necklace and bracelet.

“I know the manager of the jewelry store and he got them for us.” Emmie shrugged. Allison hugs them and walks up to Harry.

“Can you put it on please daddy?” Harry nods and puts on her necklace and bracelet. She sits down and plays on her new phone adding numbers and that. She looks up and looks at Harry and I.

“Can I have my present now?”

“Sure, but you have to put this on.” Harry says holding up a blindfold. Allison groaned and walked over to me. I grabbed the blindfold and gently wrapped it around her head, making sure to cover her eyes. Harry then picked her up and we made our way to the backyard.

“Okay! Take your blindfold of now!” I giggle jumping up and down.

“A PUPPY!” Allison screams running towards the puppy that is running around in the yard. All of the kids run over to the puppy and start playing with her.

~This is my life. I have three children, a puppy and a wonderful husband. If I looked back to fifteen years ago I would have never guessed that this would happen. I know think that my ex-boyfriend cheating on me was the best thing that ever happened to me. That’s what got Harry and I talking again. Now it turned into this.

I, Rose Styles, might just have the best life somebody could have. Most of all I am uncontrollably in love with Harry Styles.

~Rose Styles~   


Okay I'm cryin a lot right now! This is only my first story and I'm cryin. What's gonna happen to me when I write more stories!? For my first story I am really excited about the number of reads. To others it may not be a lot, but to me it is amazing!

~le cries~

Anyway I am goin on vacaction for the next week and write when I get back I'm uploading my new story!







BEFORE I FORGET THANKS FOR NO HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




~le cries and cries and cries forever~

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