little slut

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Nani-" omg thank you!
At school:
Marcus's perspective:
I saw Nani get off the bus, but she didn't look happy. I went over to her and asked what's wrong, but she didn't answer me. She walked right by me like she was ignoring me.
Nani-" what Marcus!" She turns around looking me in the eyes
Marcus-" what's wrong?"
Nani- " you want to know what wrong with me?"
Nani-" you lied to me Marcus!"
Marcus-"what no I didn't, what do you mean?"
Nani-" stop acting stupid. Kaitlyn(Marcus's gf) showed me the messages. After you left last night. I thought you cared about me."
Marcus-"what messages? And I do"
Nani-"the ones where you were like:no I don't like her I'm using her to get what I want" you say starting to cry.
Marcus-" Nani I would ne-
Nani- "or when you said—she is never good enough to be with me. No one would ever want that thing"
Marcus-"Nani you have to beileve me! I didn't say that!"
Nani's perspective:
I just ran away from everything. I could tell Marcus was running after me. So I ran faster. I ran into the girls locker room. And sat there crying
Nani-"why!!I thought he liked me?!"
Some girls in the locker room heard me crying.
Girl in red-" hey honey, are you ok?"
Girl in pink-" want some water?"
Nani-" thank you but no. I'm ok I just needed to get these tears out I've been holding them in for a long time"
Nani saw a girl in green standing in the back not doing anything, she looked familiar but she just thought it was nothing.
Girl in red-"oh ok, well my name is—
Girl in green-" uh don't tell this little slut your name!"
Girls in red+pink-"Rebecca!"
Nani started to cry even more.
Rebecca-"what it's true. Isn't it Nani?"
Nani got a good look at Rebecca after she heard the name.
Nani-"what the fuck!" You say wiping your eyes and standing up.
Both of the other girls stood in the corner with listening to our conversation
Rebecca-"yah now you know who I am don't you little slut".
Nani-"I've changed I swear"
Rebecca-"you better have" as she walks away. "Come one girls we need to go find Marcus."
Nani-"why do you need to find Marcus?" You say with concern in your voice
Rebecca-"oh yah one more thing stay away from him he's mine!" She says getting in my face.
You sit back down crying. "God I already miss him. What am I going to do."

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