back to school

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I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while. I've been busy with school, and stuff I'll really try and be more active.

You walk out of school. You got dirty looks from girls and boys in school everyday. But you have Marcus by your side holding your hand walking through the halls ignoring everyone.
"Yeah Nani?"
"I really hate it that everyone knows about my past now"
Marcus stops walking and pulls u aside.
"You really shouldn't care what people think of you. That was your past, right. Your not a slut anymore. How about this if today goes way worse than you ever had before than we can skip school tomorrow and we can have an us day ok?"
"Yeah, anything for this beautiful angle" he says messing us your hair.
"I love you I really do"
"I love you to"
You an Marcus started walking towards your locker. As the bell rings Marcus kisses your forehead and heads off to class. U guys have the same class right now but you stayed at your locker to get you biology book when the two evil witch's came walking towards u.
"Well, well, look who it it the little slut taking boyfriend." Said Katelyn
"Didn't I tell you to stay the fuck away from Marcus?" Said Rebecca
"You cant make me do anything" you said tilting your head up
"You wanna bet?" They both said
Everyone was gone to class
Rebecca grabbed a hand full of hair and pulled you to the bathrooms. Katelyn covering your mouth so no one would hear you yell.
"Maybe this will make you learn" Katelyn said laughing
They start punching you in the face and ribs, they kicked you so you fell. When you were falling you hit your head pretty hard on the sink. You passed out.

                           1 hour later

Marcus's perspective
"Nani, hey can you go and see if Nani is in there?" Marcus asks a girl.
Girl-"ahh. OMG Nani"
You heard the girl scream. You ran into the bathroom, you didn't care.
"OMG Nani, baby!! Call 911!"
You shake her trying to wake her up.
You start crying "baby please wake up. I need you right now!"

Nani's perspective
I feel so much pain in my body. It's like a millions and thousands of needles in my body. You open your eyes to see Marcus holding you in his arms crying.
"M- Marcus?" You say coughing
"OMG Nani your alive" he says kissing you
"I-I'm in s-so much pain. E-everything hurts."
"Baby, what happened?"
"K-katelyn, and R-rebecca" you said hesitating
You see Marcus sigh" Do you know why?"
"B-because I st-tayed with y-you"
All of the sudden your conversation was cut off by the ambulance.

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