the hospital

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|hey sorry I haven't updated recently I had alot going on, but I'mma try and stay more active with my writing. Here's the hospital|

"Nani, you gotta stay awake with me" Marcus says worriedly.
Nani couldn't keep her eyes open, she tired but couldn't. Once the paramedics got to Nani and Marcus, everyone was surrounding them both.
As they took Nani out, Nani opened her eyes to see Rebecca and Katelyn standing the giving Nani a discussing smirk. They asked to talk to Nani for a second before the paramedics left.
Rebecca whispered in Nani's ear saying "maybe you should know not to mess with me next time"
"Okay you can leave now" Marcus says to both of them.
Nani grabs Rebecca's wrist before she was completely gone, she tires talking "I-I can d-do whate-ever I w-want, bitch."
The paramedics walked back to the ambulance.

                      A couple hours later

By now Nani's mother and father were with Nani at the hospital, Marcus was in the waiting room.
Nani a few broken ribs,  and had to get some stitches but besides that she was okay. She wanted to talk to Marcus. So her mom got Marcus from the waiting room
"Nani! Are you okay." He goes up to her and kisses her softly.
"Hi baby. I'm okay" Nani replys
Nani's parents left the room to give them privacy
"Baby I'm so sorry about what happened. You don't deserve any of this. I love you so much, but I don't want you to get hurt anymore because of me, so I think it would be better if we break up."
"Marcus, you cannot leave me. Baby don't do this."
"I'm sorry Nani, I have to go."

Nani sits there crying, her parents come in seeing her cry, they ask her what's wrong. She tells them that she just moved wrong or something.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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