The Legrue Corridor

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|No ones pov|
As the three entered the Legrue Corridorand Kirito used night vision magic to brighten up the room. Leafa then teased Kirito of how ineffective Spriggan magic is in combat but muses that it may some day save their lives. As they walk, they continue talking about the spells in the game. Suddenly, Leafa unexpectedly received a somewhat cryptic message from Recon, which stated: "I was right. Be careful. S." Before Leafa was able to make sense of the message, they were interrupted by Yui.
"There are twelve players approaching us!"

"What do we do?"M/n asked calm as ever,this prompts Leafa to hide them with a concealment spell. While hiding, Kirito noticed a red bat and told Leafa about it who then immediately recognized it as a high-leveled tracer and quickly stepped out of her cover to strike the bat with magic, effectively destroying it.
"We bed to run!That tracer was a fire-attributed!"

"What dose that mean?"

"The twelve players are Salamanders!"Leafa answers M/n's questions and ran.

M/n unlike the other two saw another tracer,a silver fox that was sitting in the shadows watching.It didn't seem to be a spy yet watching over him as its attention was now on him.
"M/n!"Kirito's voice knocked M/n back into reality causing him to run once more and catch up with the others.

They then arrived at the lake surrounding Legrue, but just before they could enter the city, a beam was fired overhead and had erected an stone wall front of them, blocking their advance and deflecting Kirito's attack.
"Could we bypass this wall and go into the river!?"

"Yeah however,there are powerful monsters in the lake which are almost impossible to kill without having an Undine for support!"Kirito then told Leafa to stay back and support him, which she agreed to.
"Kiri let me-"

"Nope!I want to do this one alone,I'll be fine and that's a promise~"M/n smiled and stood down and helped leafa and Kirito began the assault against the Salamander group.

However, he was stopped by the Salamander shield formation which were then healed by one group of the Salamander mages while Kirito was blasted away by fireballs fired by the other group, though Leafa and M/n healed him. Due to the combination of healing mages, attacking mages and blocking soldiers, Kirito was having a hard time breaking through the formation and at this rate he would be killed, thus Leafa suggested surrendering and starting again from Swilvane, but Kirito and M/n refused.
"I'll never let any party members die!"
Kirito yelled out and continued.Leafa looked to M/n for help but he too had a face of determination!
"You two are so damn headstrong!!"

"I know!"Both m/n and Kirito said causing Yui to giggle at her parents.

On the last attempt to fight the charges, Kirito was stopped once again, and was forced to jump back. At that moment, Yui told Leafa to use all of her mana to block the next attack; she hesitated a bit before casting her spell, allowing Kirito to cast his own illusion spell. As the flames from the Salamander attack faded, Kirito transformed into a creature resembling The Gleam Eyes.
"Now that's new..."M/n said while watching from the bridge.Watching the show M/n smirked as his eyes turned blood red,casing him to disappear and reappear on Kiritos shoulder.
"Let's have some fun shall we?"M/n smirk added to the frightening sight he also held his hand out as a scythe name Fenrir's abyss appears.
"Don't worry Kiri I won't take from your fun."M/n said kissing the cheek of the monster Kirito.

The soldiers began to panic and broke their formation, even though the leader tried to inform his fellows that it was just a "scary looking monster with a long reach and it's handler", but Kirito killed the panicking defending soldiers with ease, and so the leader told the mages to use explosion magic, but as they were chanting incantations.

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