1 ; Back Again

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"Have you heard? Jinyoung is back." Jennie spoke to Jisoo who was busy playing games, as she heard the news she stopped her gaming and looked up to her best friend in shock.
"Are you sure?" She stumbled upon her own words, swallowing her saliva she continued, "I thought he was taking his degree in Singapore and not return for at least 4 years? It's hardly been 3 years.".
"How would I know?" Jennie shrugged.
"By the way, there would be a high school reunion on 10th March, apparently he would be attending." Jennie continued.
No matter what happens, Jisoo would never forget that day. 22nd September. It was Jinyoung's birthday and he was planning to leave for college the next day, Jisoo had confessed.


"So you are leaving tomorrow, huh?" Jisoo asked.
"Obviously. What are you talking about?" Jinyoung shook his head in disappointment.
"I mean, I am just asking. I would really miss you and your nonsense." Jisoo said while gobbling down the sushi.
"Take your time to eat, no one is coming after your food! You will choke on it." Jinyoung warned her.
"Don't worry, I won't choke on something like sushi." Jisoo assured.
"What are you going to miss the most?" Jisoo asked casually.
"The most important thing, my family of course. I think I would definitely miss our impromptu meetups, our late night conversations. It's sad but I won't be able to even return home on New Years for the next 4 years until I have graduated. But hey, there's internet so fret not. We can still chat over on many platforms. I am sure we won't lose contact, you are my best friend for the past 9 years!" Jinyoung beamed.
"Yeah, best friend." Jisoo mumbled.
"Hmm? What did you say?" Jinyoung asked while swallowing his burger and coke at the same time making him sound a little inaudible.
"Nothing." Was all Jisoo could say with no emotion on her face.
Told be truth, at first Jinyoung was her best friend. Someone she could trust whole-heartedly, someone who she can share her lame jokes with and have a deep conversation with. She thought he was just her soul-mate, little did she know that she had fell for him overtime. Jinyoung often confide in her that he had liked this girl in school frequently, however he stopped after awhile as he had lost interest in her but Jisoo thought otherwise.
"Maybe he could still liked her?" was what Jisoo thought often if she had wanted to confess her feelings.
On the day Jinyoung was leaving, she had gathered up her courage and wanted to confess, well she did.
"Jinyoung." Jisoo whispered softly however audible enough for Jinyoung to hear.
"Yes?" Jinyoung answered.
"I have something to tell you." Jisoo said seriously.
"Okay, say it." He said emotionlessly.
"I like you." Jisoo confessed, her cheeks were flushed.
Jinyoung was stunned to hear that and he stared into Jisoo's eyes, Jisoo thought it was a bad signal and she was rejected. Without any word, she left and ran back home.
"What did I just do? Kim Jisoo you fool!" Jisoo scolded herself.
She just thought other than being rejected, she had lost the 9 years friendship with Jinyoung. She ran home and cried herself to sleep thinking that it had failed terribly.
The next morning, her phones had multiple missed calls and text messages.
She did not bother to open it and she knew it was from Jinyoung. Immediately, she blocked him and stopped contacting him onwards.

Time Slip

That same scene replayed itself repeatedly in her head. She shook her head profusely and started cringing, how could she did at that at the age of 19?
"What are you doing there mumbling to yourself? You look like a total idiot." Jennie rumbled.
"Cringing on my past self. Why not you do that? I bet you would react worst than me." Jisoo giggled.
"Anything wouldn't beats you confessing to Jinyoung." Jennie let out a evil laughter.
Jisoo glared at her before attacking her, grabbing her by her neck dragged her across the hall and started tickling her.
"Oh my gosh sorry Unnie, stop it. Forgive me." Jennie begged.
Jisoo came to a halt and said, "You should be sorry."
"Anyways, it's 6 March today. 4 days before he would be back. Have you thought of what to say to him?" Jennie asked.
"No. I don't intend to." Jisoo said coldly.
"Are you sure?" Jennie raised an eyebrow.
"If I bumped into him then perhaps he would have forgotten about it and perhaps maybe have a partner now." Jisoo told Jennie.
"Maybe. Good luck seeing him, probably would be awkward. I would be out with Jackson today, have fun at home!" Jennie left the house.
Alone in the house makes Jisoo think about what could possibly happen on the 10th.
She had butterflies in her stomach, nervously thinking of if Jinyoung had forgotten about it already.
Time had flew by so quickly that it was already the 10th.
"Oh shit, it is the 10th today right?" Jisoo asked Jennie who was making breakfast.
"Yeah, don't be late tonight! 6pm at our High School Hall. Dress code is formal and smart." Jennie instructed her.
"Ya, you have already said for the 10th time. I am not deaf, am I?" She was getting impatient.
"Okay, I hope so." Jennie let out a sigh.
It was 4pm, Jisoo was planning out her outfit.
A black dress with grey cardigan or a red striking flamboyant dress? In the end, she had chose the red dress and paired it with heels and a toast bag.
By the time she had got ready it was 5.30pm. Thank god she stayed near the school or she would be late and get a lashing down from Jennie. She rushed out of the house and took a bus to the high school.
"On time, 5.50pm yes." She mumbled to herself while getting her breath steadily.
"Jisoo?" A voice came from Jisoo's shoulder, she turned around and was shocked.
It was Jinyoung. But there was someone who was indeed beside him.

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