7 ; Restless

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"Unnie, wake up! Jinyoung is here." Jisoo was awoken by Jennie's sharp and irritated voice.
"Why is he here?" Jisoo asked yawning.
"How would I know?" Jennie glared.
"Oh right, I think I remember." Jisoo said.
"Now won't you get out of bed and go wherever you want with him? He's disrupting my sleep." Jennie grunted.
"You are not going out today? With Jackson or something?" Jisoo asked.
"We are going out at night but I think he's coming in the afternoon." Jennie explained.
"Jinyoung would be staying in the room." Jisoo mumbled.
"What?" Jennie shouted.
"Where's his girlfriend?" Jennie continued.
"Broke off. I am his girlfriend now." Jisoo commented.
Jennie gasped.
"What? So you were right about her?" Jennie said still in shock.
Jisoo simply nodded, "Now won't you go back to sleep in your own room."
"Er yeah okay." Jennie said trying to process everything in her head once.
"I will explain to you tonight alright? Now go back to sleep or get out of the house with Jackson would be better." Jisoo suggested.
"Good morning. You took pretty long." Jinyoung smiled holding on to two MacDonald's bag.
"Breakfast." He said.
"Ah thanks, I just er woke up you see. Jennie was being annoying as well." Jisoo explained.
"It's okay. You may want to wash up?" Jinyoung laughed.
"Oh. Yes." Jisoo was embarrassed and she ran to the toilet.
She was still wearing her pyjamas and bare-faced, not that he had never seen that before but still it feels weird.
"What did you buy?" Jisoo looked over the sofa.
"Pancakes. Surprising a lot of stores aren't open yet and I guess it's because it's a Sunday today." Jinyoung shrugged.
"Thanks anyway. I am famished." Jisoo grunted.
"Why are you always hungry when I see you?" asked Jinyoung.
"I don't know. I've been trying to ask myself that for the past idk how many years." Jisoo shrugged her shoulders slightly.
"What do you want to do today?" asked Jinyoung.
"Movies? I just want to stay in bed actually still pretty tired from yesterday." yawned Jinyoung.
"I will go and wash the dishes first." Jisoo walked to the kitchen.
"How is there dishes to be washed?" asked a curious Jinyoung.
"Left by Jennie last night." Jisoo yelled across the hallway.
Jisoo was washing the dishes when she felt electric static shook her whole body, two hands around her waist. It felt so comfortable, warm and Jinyoung rested his chin on Jisoo's shoulder.
"Your shoulders are so comfortable." whispered Jinyoung.
Jisoo simply smiled, "Wait for me in the room, I will be done soon."
"No, let's go together."
"Okay then."
"So what do you want to watch?" asked Jisoo turning on her computer.
"I don't know probably some movies?" Jinyoung replied.
"Our Times! It's from Taiwan, have you watched it before?" asked Jisoo.
"No but I've seen it appear outside the cinema for a period of time in Singapore." replied Jinyoung.
"Okay then let's watch it, it's a romance movie." Jisoo muttered as she went on internet to find the movie.
Jinyoung simply made a face, everyone knew that he hated romance movies or novels for they are very cheesy — something he thought he wouldn't do it for someone he loved but he was wrong perhaps.
"Xu Tai Yu is so handsome!" Jisoo startled.
"More than me?" Jinyoung asked.
"Yes." The word came out of Jisoo's mouth so quickly that she covered her mouth afterwards.
"Have you forgotten I am your perhaps boyfriend?" A jealous Jinyoung spoke.
"Er no. Wait yes, it kind of slip off my mind but I promise you." Jisoo whined.
Jisoo lean in to give a peck on his cheeks and he immediately did the same.
Towards the end, they pretty much stayed in bed and cuddled, perfect as it started pouring outside.
"It's so sad." Jisoo sobbed.
"It's a movie Jisoo." Jinyoung patted her back.
"They like each other yet they couldn't be together because they thought they wouldn't like each other back." Jisoo stuttered.
"Wasn't it the same with us?" Jinyoung beamed.
"But I didn't have partner and they only meet each other again in what? 10-20 years later. We met each other in 3 years." Jisoo said.
"But it's the same. Our 3 years meant 10 years, I've longed for your phone calls, conversation. Sadly, you didn't reply to any." Jinyoung turned away slightly.
"I am sorry, I didn't meant to." Jisoo apologised profusely and look into Jinyoung's eyes.
"It's okay." Jinyoung hugged Jisoo tightly.
"Now, I have a serious question. I am leaving tomorrow." Jinyoung said and Jisoo was listening attentively.
"And?" Jisoo added.
"You said your break ends in a month time, I was just wondering if you could come to Singapore with me for at least 2 weeks? I can pay for your flight, accommodations would be my hostel but you would have to pay for your own food." Jinyoung slowly said.
Jisoo gasped.
"2 weeks?" Jisoo said slowly.
"Yes. Can you go with me?" Jinyoung asked in a most assuring tone ever.
"Yes." Jisoo said without further ado.
"Great! Now that it's ending let's go check for flight tickets." Jinyoung smiled.
"You are so lucky there's still seats left. One of them is a seat beside me!" Jinyoung said excitedly.
"Okay, let's book." Jisoo finally speak up.
"I will have to inform my parents and roommate." Jisoo went out of the room.
"Hello Umma?" Jisoo spoke over the phone.
"Yes?" Jisoo's mom answered.
"I will be going on a trip for two weeks from tomorrow." Jisoo heaved a sigh.
"Okay, be safe! You are already 22, I don't want to interfere much! Be back safe okay?" Jisoo's mom said.
"Thank you Umma! I will bring back gifts for you okay? Love you, see you soon." Jisoo smiled even though she was over the phone.
"My mom said okay." Jisoo went into the room.
"That's great." Jinyoung jumped up.
"I will need to tell Jennie about it." Jisoo walked out of the room.
Jennie opened the door when she heard a knock.
"I have something to tell you." Jisoo gasped.
"I am going to Singapore for 2 weeks from tomorrow." Jisoo said abruptly when Jennie wanted to speak.
Jennie covered her mouth with her hand and found it surprising.
"Why?" Jennie asked.
"Because Jinyoung will be going back tomorrow and he booked a ticket for me." Jisoo smiled.
"Wait you haven't told me about all that stuff have you?" Jennie raised an eyebrow at her best friend.
"Ah yes. Basically two days ago I told him but he told me he knew it and they had "broke off" just minutes before I called him and we hang out yesterday till night and we confessed." Jisoo grinned.
"You're so happy. I am truly happy for you that you've found your true love. Stay safe okay? If you need I will send you tomorrow." Jennie hugged Jisoo.
"Thank you. Now I will go back to my room." Jisoo kissed Jennie on her cheek cheekily.

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