3 ; Welcoming

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Jinyoung: Hello, this is Jisoo right?
Jisoo: Yes I am Jisoo.
Jinyoung: The wedding will be held at Four Seasons Hotel Ballroom on 14th March. Be there by 6pm! And you can come visit us tomorrow roughly around in the afternoon? If you are free or have made up your mind.
Jisoo: Okay thanks. I will come tomorrow, I suppose you guys did not move house right?
Jinyoung: Yup.
Jisoo: Your girlfriend will be there tomorrow?
Jinyoung: Yes.
Jisoo: You guys are staying at your parents place right?
Jinyoung: Yeah? Anything wrong?
Jisoo: Nothing.

"He asked me to go to his house tomorrow, I have agreed. But Cheryl's coming along — Well I mean they are staying there at Jinyoung's house but isn't it awkward. I doubt Jinyoung wouldn't tell her about me confessing, what a loser." Jisoo confided in Jennie.
"I mean, what are the chances? Just go to his parents house, I mean they were the ones who wanted to see you isn't it? It's been a whole 3 years Unnie, you have to either get over it or get him. Choose one." Jennie told Jisoo.
Jisoo stayed silent and ignored her last remark.
"Goodnight." Jisoo ran off to her bedroom thinking about it.
Jennie rolled her eyes, can't be bothered about Jisoo so she went out to meet Jackson.
"Jinyoung-ah, I missed you so badly for the past 3 years. I missed our impromptu meetups and whatsoever sheniangans we had. I wished I didn't block you away from my life after the day I had confessed. I had always regretted." Jisoo mumbled to herself before putting herself to sleep.

"Unit 128, unit 128. It's unit 170. Oh shit, I am lost." Jisoo fumbled with her phone, confused.
"Erm hello Jinyoung? I think I am lost, gosh it's been ages since I am here. I am at unit 170 can you help me?"
"Hold on, I will be there in a minute."

"Hello Jisoo." A voice came from Jisoo's shoulder as she raised her head from her phone.
"Oh hello, I am sorry I was lost and had to trouble you." Jisoo apologised profusely.
"Nah, it's okay." Jinyoung smiled.
"Let's walk to my house, it's really near actually." Jinyoung continued.
"Hello Auntie and Uncle!" Jisoo exclaimed before going forward to hug Jinyoung's mom.
"It's been long indeed Jisoo! You are coming tomorrow right? You have grown even more beautiful than I last saw you three years back. Where have you been?" Jinyoung's mom started bombarding her with a lot of questions at once.
"Yes I will be attending tomorrow. Thank you Auntie. I am currently attending Seoul University studying Literature in my final year next term. I moved house and lost contact with almost everyone except Jennie, Jackson, Lisa, Bambam and Chaeyoung." Jisoo replied cautiously.
"Come and take a seat." Jinyoung's father led the way towards the living room. Nothing had changed, everything was the same like she was there 3 years back.
"Hi Cheryl." Jisoo smiled.
"Hello." Cheryl smiled back.
"So have you thought of what to work as once you leave University?" Jinyoung's mother asked before handling a cup of tea towards Jisoo.
"Most probably a writer or journalist. I will most likely to take a break first, really hectic studying you see." Jisoo said.
"Mom, why you didn't ask much about me when I was back a few days back you are showing favourism." Jinyoung complaint.
"Jisoo hasn't been in contact with us for the past three years you see, I was constantly in contact with you. Besides, I treat her like my own daughter." Jinyoung's mom explained.
"I remembered she used to come here so often back when you guys were in high school with Jackson as well. You and her did so well for exams that I would constantly bring you guys out for fun. Those were the days." Jinyoung's mom continued.
"You guys were so close right?" Cheryl butted in with a change in her expression.
"Yes they were, indeed very close." Jinyoung's mom answered.
"Oh yes, how's your parents doing now?" Jinyoung's dad asked to break the ice caused by Jinyoung's mom and Cheryl.
"My mom is a grandmother now, my dad still does business I reckoned. My older sister got married 2 years ago and gave birth to two children, they are really cute though." Jisoo spoke about her family situation as of now.
"I see, how about you? Do you have a boyfriend right now?" Jinyoung's mom asked.
"Er no, not yet." Jisoo said.
"It's okay, you will find someone soon. Let's go and choose your dress for tomorrow." Jinyoung's mom dragged her.

A fight

"So your mother obviously likes her over me. Do you really think I am too stupid to notice that. She deliberately stopped me from talking, didn't ask much about me but when that girl is here she talks as if she is her own daughter and while me — gets cut off almost immediately." Cheryl groaned.
"I think it takes time for Mom to know you. I mean she had known Jisoo for at least 10 years, of course she treats her as her own as she said earlier. Why does that actually matters, are you jealous?" Jinyoung patted Cheryl's forehead before kissing her.
"Of course I do, in fact more than jealous. You seem to pay more attention to her than me. Do I really look that dense like you?" Cheryl lamented.
"You know I don't mean that right? She was my best friend for 9 years of course I do want to talk to her and catch up. I can only spend a few days with her while we can spend the next few years together." Jinyoung explained.
"Was — a past tense. You guys aren't even best friend now. Why act like one when you guys are clearly awkward for whatever reason you have." Cheryl said furiously.
"Yes she was my best friend but she is still my friend. Whenever you say you want meet your guy friends in Singapore, when did I ever object to it? So now I can't even meet my ex-Best Friend of 9 years?" Jinyoung argued and emphasised on the word "was".
"Fine, leave me alone." Cheryl said.
"Okay, I will gladly do so." Jinyoung granted her wish.
At first when they first met, Cheryl was a little kind and nice but however as they got together as a couple, they had several fights which showed her true colours. Impatient, someone who assumes things and demanding.
The fact that they had actually got together was because Jinyoung had wanted to forget about Jisoo and Cheryl thought he was pretty cute. It turns out it was not a real true-love relationship, both of them knew it but didn't express themselves in fear of breaking up and breaking each other's feelings.

Author's note:
I hope you enjoy this chapter as much I do! I am updating every week with one new chapter and soon I will be pretty busy with work so I will try my best to upload as regularly as possible 🤧 hope you enjoy this chapter 💕

An Ocean ApartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon