4 ; Wedding

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"Wake up Jisoo, are you okay?" Jisoo was awoken by a familiar sound, she opened her eyes and saw that it was Jinyoung.
She looked at her clothing — fully dressed, nothing unusual.
"Er why am I sleeping in your house?" Jisoo asked as she had no recollection of the night before.
"Because you fell asleep after dinner. You really never changed, huh? Falling asleep almost everywhere. By the way it is 10am you may want to go home and take some stuff." Jinyoung laughed.
"Yeah I mean I was very tired yesterday. 10am? It's so late, I think I should go now. Where are your parents?" Jisoo asked.
"Headed to the hotel for some work-related stuff. Probably be back before lunch." Jinyoung explained.
"Sorry, I should go now." She hurried out of the bed and went to the toilet before heading out to find a bus home.
"How about I send you home?" Jinyoung suggested.
"Convenient?" Jisoo asked.
"Yeah, I heard your house is kinda 15 mins away? Not that far." Jinyoung said.
"Thanks for your free ride. I hope your skills aren't rusty." Jisoo giggled.
"I will show you then." Jinyoung exclaimed.

"So what are you doing in your university?" Jisoo asked.
"If you did remember I study Law and it is really hectic just memorising laws and proposal, projects all day." Jinyoung heaved a sigh.
"What about you?" Jinyoung asked while focusing on the road.
"Nothing much, just writing. But I honestly can't wait to graduate. School's really boring and it sucks the living soul out of me." Jisoo complaint.
Jinyoung laughed.
"So you want to be a journalist and writer? I remembered it is your childhood dream right?" Jinyoung turned his head to face Jisoo.
"Yeah but I am planning to take a break. You have 2 more years right? Thank god I only have one more year." Jisoo inquired.
"Yeah, my last year would be in Korea. I am glad I will be back." Jinyoung said.
Within 10 minutes they had arrived at Jisoo's home that was when Jisoo thought time had past faster than she expected.
"Goodbye." Jisoo waved her hand as she bided goodbye to Jinyoung.
"Bye, see you later." Jinyoung smiled before he drove his car away.

"Unnie, did you slept with him?" Jennie teased Jisoo.
"You and your words." Jisoo glared at her.
"What time are you leaving? Do you need a ride from Jackson?" Jennie asked.
"I heard my name." Jackson bellowed across the hallway.
"I would like a free ride. I am leaving at 5pm to Four Seasons Hotel. Keen on giving me a free ride?" She stared hard at Jackson.
"I wouldn't say no to my girlfriend's best friend she would probably murder me if I didn't." Jackson sighed.
"Glad you know that." Jennie smiled.
"I shall get ready and probably get some more sleep." Jisoo walked towards her room.
At precisely 3pm, Jisoo went to take a long relaxing bath after she woke up. Afterwards, she started on her makeup, natural and clean that suits her so well. She changed out of her clothes into a dress, it was 5pm.
"I am ready." Jisoo yelled and started banging on Jennie's room.
"Coming." Jennie unlocked her door abruptly and Jackson came out.
"Time to go?" Jackson said.
Jisoo nodded and they headed to Jackson's car.
"So I heard Jinyoung is back huh? Ungrateful brat he didn't even call me man, did he forget about our friendship gosh." Jackson grunted.
"He's got a girlfriend." Jisoo muttered.
"Oh really? Who is she? You?" Jackson asked.
"No, she's from Singapore. She is called Cheryl. She seems nice so far." Jisoo said.
"I have had checked on her." Jennie said abruptly which earned stares from Jackson and Jisoo.
"She is quite rich, pretty good in her studies. Went to the top Middle school and High School in Singapore. Her parents does business I reckon." Jennie spoke quickly before yawning.
"What do you think happened between them? I thought he likes Jisoo." Jackson said.
"Since when?" Both Jennie and Jisoo looked at each other.
"Since high school." Jackson spilled the beans.
"Wait you didn't know that?"
"What?" Jennie gasped.
"Really? Then why didn't he accept my confession." Jisoo mumbled.
"You confessed? Oh my, you guys were the class favourite ship. Everyone was hoping you guys get together." Jackson continued.
"Yeah I did. The day before he left. I thought he rejected me then I cut off every connection I had with him." Jisoo revealed.
"You do still like him?" Jennie asked.
"Maybe? I don't know, he's got a girlfriend right now." Jisoo muttered.


"Hey Jisoo." Jinyoung waved at her gesturing her to come over to his family table.
"Hello Auntie and Uncle." Jisoo beamed.
"You look stunning tonight." Jinyoung whispered in her eyes.
"Thank you, you look great tonight." Jisoo smirked.
"I think I will go to the washroom." Jisoo informed Jinyoung.
"Okay, I think Cheryl is in there fixing her makeup." Jinyoung told her.
"Gosh, this is so damn boring. His parents are treating me like invisible but who gives a damn? We aren't even real, I can't wait to be back with you baby. 3 more days, I can't wait. I think I should go now incase they get suspicious of me."
Jisoo had overheard a conversation unintentionally in the toilet.
That voice sounds pretty familiar...
It is Cheryl.
"What? Is she cheating? Should I tell and be a busybody but what if Jinyoung doesn't trust me." Jisoo thought to herself.
The wedding had just started, the bride walking down the path. Reminiscing the past when Jisoo was still in middle school and she would always come over to hang out with Jinyoung's sister. How fast time must have past that now she is getting married, it was so surreal to Jisoo that she's getting married and she in fact was still single as ever.
"Unnie, congratulations on your wedding! I hope you will stay forever happy and have many adorable children!" Jisoo congratulated the bride happily.
"Thank you Jisoo. I do hope you find a boyfriend soon, you aren't too young anymore!" She hugged Jisoo as she said it.
"I hope I do find the right one soon. But thank you." Jisoo smiled.
Through out the whole wedding ceremony, Jisoo caught glimpse of Cheryl and watched her quite closely. She did seem pretty normal except the fact that she was constantly on her phone and smiling. Nothing too peculiar she presumed.
It was time to head home when she heard the same familiar voice.
"Hey Jisoo, wait up!" Jinyoung shouted.
"Yes?" Smiling at both Jinyoung and Cheryl who were holding hands.
"Need a ride home?" Jinyoung asked.
"Wouldn't say no." Jisoo smirked.
"Then let's go." Jinyoung gestured her to follow him.
"How did you think of the wedding today?" Jinyoung asked.
"Perfect, it was so memorable. I missed your sister so badly, I remembered we used to hang out often in the past. It did brings back lots of memories." Jisoo said while staring out of the window admiring the stars.
"How about you Cheryl?" Jisoo asked in order to make Cheryl not feel much left out.
"Erm, kinda boring? I don't know I don't much like gatherings or whatsoever." Cheryl blunted.
It was an tense atmosphere when Jisoo broke the silence.
"Oh, you guys are going back soon right?" Jisoo asked curiously.
"Yes. In 3 days time. Meanwhile we will be going around Seoul." Cheryl cheered, a sudden change in emotions.
"Ah, goodbye! See you guys soon." Jisoo opened the door as Jinyoung parked his car outside her house.


"Why did you say it was boring?" Jinyoung said red with fury.
"What?" Cheryl sounded disinterested.
"The wedding." Jinyoung grumbled.
"Because it was?" Cheryl taunted.
"How is it boring? You didn't even interact with the guests but was using your phone instead." Jinyoung snapped.
"Wow, you were busy talking to your dear Jisoo come on." Cheryl hissed.
"Don't think that I don't know anything. I know you like Jay." Jinyoung clucked.
"I knew it. How could you do this infront of me, talking to him in the toilet thinking I wouldn't listen." Jinyoung continued.
Cheryl was at a loss of words.
"You... knew it?" Cheryl gasped.
"Yes I knew it." Jinyoung revealed.
"I actually just got with you because I felt sorry for you. After we got together then I realised I have all along like Jay. I am sorry, I was planning on telling you after we got back to Singapore." Cheryl muttered.
"You don't have to. I knew that you felt sorry for me but you don't have to." Jinyoung grunted.
Jinyoung packed his car nicely in the backyard of his house.
"I know this is weird to say but let's break up officially." Jinyoung uttered.
"Okay." Cheryl said it cooly.
"As for my parents, let's act like we didn't. I will tell them when we get back to Singapore. As for us, we are still friends right?" Jinyoung exclaimed.
"Yes we are." Cheryl smiled and lean in for a friendly hug.
"You still like Jisoo right?" Cheryl asked.
"I don't know, kind of maybe not?" Jinyoung confessed.
"I have seen your look on her. You two look pretty good. By the way that day when I complaint about her was just an act since I didn't want to look as if I didn't care. But you guys look really good." Cheryl giggled.
"Thank you. I hope you last long with Jay too." Jinyoung beamed.
"Let's go in and sleep. I am really tired." Cheryl shrugged.

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