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"This place is beautiful." Jisoo said with her mouth stretched open widely.
"I know that's why I brought you here." Jinyoung smiled.
"Did you bring anyone here before?" Jisoo asked.
"No but someone brought me here before." said Jinyoung.
"What?" Jisoo exclaimed.
"That was like last year. Good old days." Jinyoung remarked.
"Who was that someone?" Jisoo questioned.
"Cheryl." Jinyoung said.
"I mean, it wasn't that fun but memories." Jinyoung continued knowing he had said the wrong thing.
"Where is she? I thought she came back already?" Jisoo asked.
"Oh she don't stay in dorms she stayed at her own place. Well, she's a local afterall." Jinyoung said.
"There is a carnival somewhere near here I heard from my friends, shall we visit it? I heard there is a lot of food suitable for you food guru." Jinyoung suggested.
Jisoo's eyes lit up immediately.
"Of course we should! It's food come on!" Jisoo laughed.
After eating their early dinner, they strolled to take the train, something they did back when they were high schoolers except they didn't held each other hands back then.
"This just got me reminded of the past." Jisoo mumbled soft enough for Jinyoung to catch it.
"Still remember how we always go to bookstores and libraries to borrow and buy books? Damn, time really past by so fast. Unknowingly, I am already 22 now." Jinyoung smiled.
"The only different thing from back when we were high schoolers are that we are together now." Jinyoung continued holding on tightly of Jisoo's hands.
"I still can't get over how on earth did I became your friend. I am the school belle afterall." Jisoo joked.
"Don't make me vomit, I just had my food. Then I was the smartest and most good-looking guy too!" Jinyoung giggled.
"Fate brought us together." Jisoo said.
"It was fate that decided that we should only get together now." Jisoo continued.
Jisoo suddenly stopped walking and faced Jinyoung.
"Do you see a future with me?" Jisoo asked sincerely.
Jinyoung was dumbfounded, why is Jisoo asking such question, he hesitated.
"So you don't?" Jisoo asked.
"I did not say anything yet." Jinyoung answered.
"I think it's still early." Jinyoung simply said.
Jisoo sighed and started walking.
Jisoo have had thoughts of marrying Jinyoung because she truly loved him but she knew that he felt otherwise, the day before she was flying she was in bed thinking about their future. Being married is in Jisoo's bucketlist, she really wants to do so and of course get married with the love of her life.
She had doubts about their relationship because perhaps she didn't feel secure with him, he did not reassure her about many things.
Jisoo thought that he would make the first move but it has always been Jisoo who does it.
Does that mean that Jisoo loves Jinyoung more than he loves her?
Jinyoung saw that there was something wrong with her that night but he kept a close eye on it, he thought that it was not something big to fuss about.
"What are your honest thoughts about marriage?" Jisoo suddenly spoke.
"Hmm, something beautiful?" Jinyoung paused for a moment before continuing.
"I feel that weddings shouldn't be lavish, it would defeat the purpose. A wedding is between two persons why should they hold a dinner? The process of it really makes me think twice about getting married. Of course I do want to have kids and all but I really don't think that wedding should be of such an important status to other people other than me and my partner." Jinyoung said clearly and carefully.
"So that's what you think?" asked Jisoo.
Jinyoung nodded.
"How about you?" Jinyoung asked.
"Wedding to me is such an important event, it only happens once in a lifetime at least for me. I want to make it as lavish as possible because that's what I am worth. Yes I believe getting married should and must be a two person thing however I think inviting friends and relatives are important as well as they get to see me walk down the aisle with the love of my life. It is such a beautiful thing to me." Jisoo smiled.
"I see." Jinyoung said.
"We've been separated for the past 3 years, seems like a lot have changed. And, I feel that I don't you well enough anymore. It seems like we've changed, grown up. I mean in the past we shared the views of marriage but it was so different from now." Jisoo trembled.
"Sometimes, I feel that I am not the right person for you." Jisoo's eyes were teary at this moment and it flowed out of her eyes.
Jinyoung wiped her tears off her face and held her chin up, "You are the right person for me, I can assure you that."
With that, he smiled and kissed Jisoo on the lips. Jisoo returned the kiss, they were gasping for air and finally came to a halt.
"Thank you for assuring me that. I am pretty much an insecure bitch." Jisoo laughed.
"To me, you are someone who is near perfect." Jinyoung smiled.

Author's Note:
It really has been long since I wrote! I don't know if I should stop because the plot is really shitty and it will take me some time to write again. I will try my best to write a few more chapters for this story and others :) Stay tuned 💛

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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