8 ; Jealousy

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"Goodbye Jennie, see you in two weeks!" Jisoo wept slightly, she had never gone anywhere for more than a week without Jennie, even for family holidays Jennie would tag along for a few days.
"See you." Jennie sobbed and went forward to hugged her tightly.
"Gosh, it's only two weeks." Jackson rolled his eyes.
"Girls..." Jackson continued which earned a punch at his stomach from Jennie to which he immediately shut his mouth.
"Let's get going, shall we?" Jinyoung asked.
"You told your parents about us?" Jisoo asked Jinyoung.
"Yes. They are very happy with it, don't worry." Jinyoung assured her.
"I hope." Jisoo thought.
"Safe flight! Enjoy yourself Jisoo, take care my Jinyoung." Jinyoung's mom said wiping her tears to which Jisoo hugged her.

"Can't believe I made this crazy decision for you." Jisoo whispered in Jinyoung's ears.
"I can't believe I am crazily in love with you." Jinyoung smirked.
Jisoo couldn't contain her happiness, although she very much does not like cheesy lines, perhaps Jinyoung was a exception.
"As for your reward for that, a kiss would make up for it?" Jisoo smiled.
"Sure." Jinyoung looked into Jisoo's eyes, it was so beautiful, he held her forehead and kissed it gently.
"I will go to sleep, it would be morning by the time we reached there." Jisoo yawned.
Jinyoung simply nodded and slept too.

"Jisoo." Jinyoung's soft whisper woke Jisoo up abruptly.
"We've reached." Jinyoung smiled.
"Ah, okay." Jisoo said opening her eyes.
"We will take a cab there, it's pretty far from here and since we have so much things." Jinyoung told Jisoo whom simply nodded.

"Hey Jinyoung, you are back?" A tall guy with broad shoulders walked towards them with a sweet scent.
"Yup." Jinyoung said.
"A lot of girls are waiting for you. See you again." The guy laughed and walked away.
Jisoo stared at him in confusion but proceeded to his dorm.
"Wow it seems pretty luxurious." Jisoo awed.
"Not really. It's quite expensive too." Jinyoung sighed.
"Can't wait for you to get back to Korea in a year's time. You do have break right?" Jisoo asked.
"Yes I do but I won't go back. Because I do not have money and time." Jinyoung heaved a sigh again.
"But I can come and visit right?" Jisoo smiled.
"You will?" Jinyoung's eyes lit up.
"Yeah I will if you allow." Jisoo said.
"Of course I would!" Jinyoung hugged Jisoo tightly.
"Let's go get lunch shall we?" Jinyoung said to Jisoo the latter just nodded and followed him.
"Hi Jinyoung." A sweet delicate voice trailed from Jinyoung's left shoulder, both of them turned back.
"You are back! Do you want to hang out?" The girl hugged Jinyoung before letting go.
Jisoo's turned sour and stared at them blankly.
"Where's Cheryl?" The girl asked.
"Hi Nathalie. We broke off." Jinyoung said.
"Oh, don't be sad. If you want, you can come to my dorm." Nathalie grinned.
"Oh who's that?" Nathalie took noticed of Jisoo who is standing beside Jinyoung.
"My girlfriend." Jinyoung held on to Jisoo's hands tightly.
"Wait what? You cheated on Cheryl?" Nathalie's face turned in fury.
"No. You mean the other way round?" Jisoo finally spoke up, she could speak and understand English very well.
"Oh. But who is she? She is student here as well? She looks Korean though." Nathalie looked strangely at Jisoo.
"No, she is my childhood friend — now my girlfriend. We've met each other since we were like 13." Jinyoung explained.
"I see. Let's hang out soon okay? Keith is organising a party, it's his birthday. It's at Zouk, I hope you can attend it." Nathalie said while holding onto Jinyoung's hand and smiled.
"See you again." Nathalie walked away.
Jisoo simply walked away as well.
"Hey Chu." Jinyoung used aegyo knowing his girlfriend is on rage mode right now.
Jisoo ignored him.
"You have a lot of suitors. I see. If I didn't came here, who knows what will happen." Jisoo's voice trailed off.
"She's a friend of mine. A close friend." Jinyoung tried to explain.
"A close friend don't know her boundaries, her close friend's girlfriend is standing infront of her yet she still could flirt. Amazing." Jisoo said.
"It's not that, come on. Be reasonable okay? You know I only have you in my eyes. Forever." Jinyoung smiled.
"So you are trying to say I am unreasonable? Okay. Stop your sweet talks. I think I need to get some ice." Jisoo walked towards the canteen.
Jinyoung pulled her back into a corner and put her against the wall with his hands on the wall.
"Kim Jisoo."
Jisoo's heart was palpitating very quickly, although she was still angry with him, she tried to hide her smile and remain composed.
"You are the only one in my eyes and heart. I hope you do know that. Everyone here is my friends for at least 3 years and there for me when I had no one please understand that. I love you and that's all I need right now." Jinyoung said softly.
"Sorry, I just couldn't stand it when girls are near you." Jisoo looked away avoiding eye contact.
"Chichu is jealous." Jinyoung teased her in which Jisoo laughed and shut him up.
Jinyoung gently caresses her forehead before planting a kiss softly.
"I can't promise I won't get angry again." Jisoo looked at him in the eye.
"But I will try to okay? Jinyoungie." Jisoo said.
"Come let's go buy food. Do you still need ice?" Jinyoung laughed.
"No, I have your love now." Jisoo smirked.

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