A Muzonian Dragon Hunter, Prologue

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On the island of Muzona, where music was the most important thing, a twenty-one year old girl lived together with her family. Her name was Ann. She was a happy girl who was loved by her people. They have lived in peace and harmony with dragons and other tribes for decades, maybe even generations. It was so long that Ann didn't remember exactly.

Ann was saying her last goodbyes to her favorite dragon, a red-blackish Deadly Nadder, for the night. "Shouldn't you already be inside, sweetheart?" Her father asked. "Hold on, dad. You know I always have to say goodnight to Serana?" She answered. "Hahaha, yes I do know. Are you coming inside soon? You know it's an important day tomorrow and you have to be rested." Her father replied with a smile on his face. "Yes dad, I know. I'm coming in a minute." She said while she gave Serana one last scratch on the chin. "See you tomorrow, girl. Goodnight."

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